World Music Day is an annual celebration that takes place on June 21 to honour amateur and professional musicians alike. It was founded by France’s Minister of Culture, Jack Lang and also Maurice Fleuret, a French composer, music journalist, radio producer, arts administrator, and festival organiser, on the day of summer solstice in Paris in 1982. A world without music would have no meaning at all to many, as it gives flight to imagination and life to everything. From the young to the old, all enjoy listening to music whether it is jazz, rock and roll, country, folk, blues or heavy metal.
Music is beneficial to us, as studies and experts have found that it helps lower stress, helps people sleep better, music therapy is known to do wonders on people with mental health issues, helps one workout and exercise better and with the right kind of music people can even concentrate and focus better. Listening to music gives humans huge amount of benefits towards their personal life. A lot of students listen to music to, help reduce stress, boost up their mood and provides motivation in their daily life. Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and affection in significant forms through the components of rhythm, melody, harmony, and colour. Music can also be a form of medicine that can benefit mind and body. Music can positively affect your health and physical development. Music is a complex activity that involves the use of your entire brain. Music may have several positive benefits for the brain.
Music can be a source of pain relief. When you listen to music, the body releases endorphins to reduce the pain. Music can motivate you to move more and make exercise feel more fun. People who participate in physical fitness programs with music integration will further improve their performance in physical activities. There are several reasons that explain why music can help improve your physical performance. Music can reduce the amount of fatigue that you feel. Music can encourage people to work more productively. Some kinds of music can help reduce the amount of fatigue caused by work. Listening to music releases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is known not only for improving mood but also increasing motivation and emotional stamina. But the benefits that come from listening to music affect more than just the way we feel. According to a study in the Netherlands, it found music can positively impact your mood while driving and consequently lead to safer driving than if you weren’t listening to anything at all. An essential and integral role is played in lives by music. There are different types of music that can be heard and enjoyed by people in accordance with their requirement and need. Some of the individuals prefer listening to music playing the outdoor or indoor game, during their study time or in other special moments. However, music is listened to almost by everyone in their spare time in order to relieve their mind and receive enjoyment. Music gives lot of in our daily life. First, it can be a typical and effective way to make a person happier. Secondly, music also can help in boosting up your energy while doing activities such as running and also workout and lastly, music can somehow help to improve a person’s sleep quality. It is true that sometimes, people listen to music just for fun and as their hobby. However, some of them do not realize that even though music is just a little thing to be considered but for your information, even a little thing can make a big difference in someone’s life.
Have we ever imagined why most people do gym with their headphones on? It is because music provides motivation to work-out harder. It also has been found that throughout a robust exercise session, endurance can be increased by listening to some of the top workout songs. As one can run an extra mile while listening to the music. It has been proven that music dramatically helps improve people’s mental wellbeing and boost physical health. Over 350 million people across the world suffer from depression and 90 per cent of them also experience insomnia. Sleep research found that symptoms of depression decreased largely with those who listened to classical music. So if you are having a challenging day, lift your spirits with some classical or meditative music. Trust, it would really work a lot.
Vinod Chandrashekhar Dixit