Dear Editor,
Remembering the syllabus is a big problem for children. Parents can easily reduce this problem and make study interesting. If the study continues at the same time then the children do not face any difficulty in days of exams. Parents need to create a learning environment at home. Parents should spend 35-40 minutes every day discussing some or the other subject with their children. Any topic on land, water, research, Brahmins and moral education etc. can be discussed during evening tea or night walks. Can be told about. Toll tax information can be given on the roads. By discussing some or the other topic at home on a daily basis, children will also begin to understand that we do not have to rattle. The concepts of each subject are being cleared automatically. Such learning enhances a child’s ability to think, understand, speak, and listen. It builds self-confidence. By studying in this way, the child does not forget to study and the child does not fail in the competition papers.
Discussions on the subject keep in touch with the parents and create an environment for learning. Parents get to know the views of their children and the relationship between the two becomes stronger, which is the greatest need of today. Parents are the child’s first teacher. They also need to pay close attention to children’s vocabulary. Whenever parents ask their children to bring something at home, use synonyms for that thing every time, this will help the child to learn and remember quickly. Parents should use Hindi, Punjabi, English words of all languages at home.
Using short words such as clamping a pinch, filtering tea leaves, calling bread chapatti, medicine etc. Doing so will automatically change the child’s tone of voice. In this way the child shares the learned words with his friends and is eager to learn other words. Parents should adopt this method to make it easier for their children to learn and move with the times. With such daily study, a child will never feel overwhelmed.
Encourage your child or student to express his opinion about what’s going on with his education. Create an open atmosphere where he feels comfortable expressing his likes, dislikes or concerns. When he shares his opinion, make sure to validate his feelings – even if you disagree. When children feel like their opinion doesn’t matter, or they’re stuck, they’re likely to disengage from the learning process. Good learners know their opinion matters and feel reassured that they can be open about their educational experience without being judged, put down, discouraged or ignored.
Always remember when learning engages children in areas and subjects of interest, learning becomes fun and children engage in learning. If you really want to help your child to become a good learner, encourage him to explore topics and subjects that fascinate him. Parents must remember that every child has learning preferences and styles that are best suited to their way of learning. Some children have a dominant learning style, while others prefer to learn using a mix of learning styles. There isn’t necessarily one right or wrong learning style, or mix of learning styles. However, by helping your child discover his preferred learning styles, you can use techniques that will improve his rate and quality learning.
Vijay Garg