Need for population control

India is the second most populous country of the world. Every year world population day is celebrated on July 11 internationally to aware people about the problem of increasing population and its consequences at world platform. Asia continent is the most densely populated area of the world, because the world most populous counties i.e., China and India are located in this continent with their mammoth structure of population. Increasing population in this continent is continuously posing serious threat for our congenial existence on this globe, as we have limited natural resources and geographical area for our survival but the population in this region is continuously increasing with a geometric ratio. Such things create an imbalance between the nature and our existence on this planet, as due to increase in population there is struggle for existence and fight for utilization of various natural cum man made resources. As a result we have seen a continuous rivalry and internal disputes between different nations of the world for their existence. In our neighbourhood, China is continuously putting hurdles for his neighbouring countries due to its expansion policies. There are a lot of positive and negative outcomes of this rapidly growing population density in different nations of world. A lot of reasons responsible for this sudden spurt in population size in last few decades, as now with advancement in medical science and other technological innovations now the mortality rate is very low as compared to our past. Moreover, there is no legal check and control over the birth rates of newly born infants in these countries. Lack of education is another factor responsible for increase in population growth in Asian countries. People at till date have not properly aware about the hazards of this increasing population and its consequences. They even think that it is the blessing of God. When any Government has tried to make some policies or law for its controlling, generally people start advocating in its favour and say that this is a natural blessing and we have no right to interfere in this biological process. At some point religious ignorance is responsible at some extent for increase in population within some specific religion. A fake religious minority phobia has been created by some orthodox section of society. However, in China there is provision of legal restrictions over this problem as they felt that increasing population always put a hurdle in their development and advancement. Now in our country few states have started the campaign for this vulnerable problem. Recently in Assam government has passed the law for two child norms. In western countries growth and density of population is low as compared to Asian and African countries of the world. Due to their low density of population in western countries we have seen a standard of life and human values in those nations. But here in Asia we have confronted with many problems that are interlinked with population growth. Rapid population growth poses other interlinked problems like poverty, unemployment, increase in crime rates and struggle for existence and fight for utilization of resources. Recently we are facing the crisis of COVID pandemic and we have noticed that due to our vast population size it is very difficult to run the mass immunisation programme against this viral infection. Those countries, which has limited population has completed this immunisation programme comfortably. In our country, we are facing lot of problems with this growing size of our population. Every year government has launched various kinds of mega nourishment and employment generation schemes for the welfare of general public. But to mammoth size of our population these schemes couldn’t work properly and helpful for all the people. As a result we have seen that the percentage of below poverty line people is continuously increasing every year. Due to limited resources it has become very difficult to feed all the empty stomach with nutritious and healthy diet. We have greater percentage of young population in the world. No doubt we are at advantage of many millions energetic working hands but side wise we have the pressure of feeding of many millions mouths. Our urban population growth is very high as compared to our rural areas. People generally migrated in these big cities in want of some work and other life related comforts. This things create more problems in our cities and urban areas. Every year government and other NGOs has launched various awareness campaign in this direction to aware the people about this man made devastation. Many literate and educated people now realized the ill consequences of this population explosion. They are now focusing on short family structure .But still large segment of our population is totally unaware about the hazards of this population explosion. There is an urgent need to bring some sort of legal restrictions over this problem. Structure of two members family must be needed to control this rapid explosion of population. If our rate of population growth is going with same pace then in coming year we will face the most vulnerable situation due to this population growth.
World population day is the best time for brainstorming over this issue. Merely organizing debate sessions and rallies we could not get the desirable result in this direction. Some strong legal restrictions and binding are necessary to solve this issue on priority basis. Proper alignment and balance with nature and nature resources is necessary for the welfare of every living creature on this planet. These things are in our hands and control we can’t blame the nature for this man made devastation. For a civilized and cultured society it is necessary to suggest some remedial measures for those things which are creating hurdles for our existence on this earth. We are the most sensible creatures on this living planet. Such kind of carelessness and ignorance is not design for us, it is our foremost responsibility to save the future of our coming generation. World population day is celebrated across the world to aware the people about the negative impact of increasing population on this planet. We must realize this fact in mind. It is not merely an event like other cultural programmes and public celebration. If our population continues increasing at this rate, then we will be further behind in every sector in coming years.
Shyam Sudan

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