Unscheduled power-cuts adding to miseries of people

Dear Editor,
The whole country is reeling under intense heat wave, but Jammu is facing not only the scorching heat of summer but frequent unscheduled power cuts are adding to the miseries of people. There is hardly any day when the people get uncut electricity supply. The present situation in Jammu regarding electricity supply is so unpromising despite entire city been covered under the e-metering. None of the area in the region can claim of receiving electricity round the clock. The common people are paying a huge price for frequent electricity cuts. The four months of summers are more difficult and irony is that the cut increases during these four hot months only. The Government as well as the Electricity department has no obvious reason available, as to why there exists the unscheduled power cut in the city despite the fact that the consumers are paying the heavy electric bills regularly. It is very tough to manage such power cuts in this hot season and the worst thing happens when the department just acts like an audience who is silently watching the play. If the same situation had emerged in Kashmir, the government would have definitely taken some action.
The power cuts are so frequent in the city that people refuse to admit that they are living in hi-tech globalised world, where uninterrupted electricity reaching their homes is yet a far-off dream. Our children are suffering. Senior citizens and COVID patients are the worst affected due to these unscheduled power cuts. We, the residents of lower Roop Nagar through your esteemed daily, request Lt Governor to kindly look into this matter so that we can get relief from these unscheduled power cuts.
K K Bhat,
Lower Roop Nagar.

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