Dr Parveen gets ‘Scientist of Year’ award


LEH: Subject Matter Specialist (Agricultural Extension) at KVK-Leh, Dr. Parveen Kumar received ‘Scientist of the Year Award, 2020-21’ in the recently held fourth National Annual Conference on Advances, Tools and Techniques in Agriculture, Horticulture, Environmental and Biotechnological Sciences in the Current Era 2020-21 organized by Kalp Laboratories, Mathura, (UP) from July 13 to 14 2021.
The said award is presented to personalities who have contributed in the specialized areas related to science and environment and is based on their professional and academic achievements. Dr. Kumar also presented a paper on ‘Agriculture in India: An Ex post critique and the way forward’.
In his presentation, he discussed at length the growth of Indian agriculture since independence and the achievements in terms of yields per unit area to augment overall production.
He also elaborated how crude and unscientific methods, post green revolution in the country have led to many problems like the ground water depletion, rise in temperature and Global warming, degradation of our natural resources and the overall negative impacts on our planet. He also talked of the sustainable practices like organic farming, vermi compost, bio decomposing, zero budget natural farming and on the importance of reduce, reuse and recycle.
Dr. Kumar while receiving the award thanked and duly acknowledged Dr. F. D. Sheikh, Programme Coordinator KVK-Leh and the whole KVK-Leh Team for providing the opportunity to collectively serve the interests of the farming community in this cold arid region.
Dr. Parveen also expressed his gratitude to the Kalp Laboratories, Mathura and Organizing Secretary of the conference Yagyavalkya Sharma for choosing a topic very relevant to the present day needs.

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