DSK distributes food packets, masks among needy people


JAMMU: With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic globally which has taken a heavy toll of lives, people all over the World have been rendered handicapped in having both ends meet. Dogra Sahayata Kendra (DSK), a unit of Dogra Sadar Sabha J&K, has taken an initiative to cover up the disruption caused by devastating pandemic.
The Sahayata Kendra in addition to taking steps to launch efforts to create awareness about guidelines and SOP’s for safety against covid-19, on Tuesday distributed food packets and masks amongst the people residing in the area around Dogra Hall. This was disclosed by Th. Gulchain Singh Charak, former Minister and Chairman, Dogra Sahayata Kendra after distributing the food packets and handmade masks.
This was one of the series of the programmes initiated by Dogra Sahayata Kendra in educating and creating awareness among the needy and down-trodden people of the society during the pandemic. Amongst others who attended the distribution programme of food packets and masks to the local public of the Dogra Hall area included Col. Karan Singh, P.S. Gupta, Ajay Khajuria, Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, Dinesh Chauhan, Ruby Chauhan, Kulbir Singh, Pawan Sharma-Youth President, Dogra Hall Unit, Dr. V.S. Sharma , Suresh Sharma and K.S. Manhas.

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