POONCH: District Development Commissioner Poonch, Inder Jeet, on Saturday chaired a meeting to review the functioning of Rural Development Department (RDD).
During the meeting various issues were discussed which includes completion of PMAY(Gramin) houses, Aadhar seeding of MGNREGA workers, Aadhar based payments, Payment of MGNREGA wages, status of MGNREGA works, registration of contractors at Panchayat level and various other works related to development works.
The meeting was informed that 88.50% Aadhar seeding of MGNREGA workers has been done.
The DDC directed the BDOs to achieve 100% aadhaar seeding upto July 31. It was informed that 12% Aadhar based payments have been made. The DDC directed the BDO’s to achieve the cent percent targets of aadhaar based payment within 10 days.
He further directed the BDOs to accelerate the process and pay the wages within the stipulated time frame as per the timely payment module.
It was informed in the meeting that 68.8% MGNREGA timely payment have been achieved. The DC directed to clear the pending payments within 10 days. It was informed in the meeting that out of 1083 MGNREGA works allocated to RDD, 557 are complete .The DC directed the concerned to complete the remaining work within three days.
The DC directed all BDO’s to achieve the PMAY target and do the payment of the said at an earliest. The meeting was attended by Additional District Development Commissioner Poonch, Abdul Sattar, Assistant Commissioner Development, Rajesh Lakhan, Assistant Commissioner Panchayat, all BDO’s besides other concerned officers were present.