Quami Bhavana initiative launched to strengthen civil-military liaison

Rajouri: The District Administration, Rajouri has launched Quami Bhavana initiative, to strengthen the civil-military liaison and to boost the morale of jawans and officers of both serving and ex-servicemen level.
The District Administration has started this unique initiative called Quami Bhavna wherein the District Magistrate visits the remote locations and interacts with jawans, officers and stays with them to take first-hand appraisal of their workings and problems.
“This initiative has been named Quami Bhavana to display the national spirit for carrying out the mission of peace and development,” the DM Rajouri, Rajesh K Shavan said.
It is pertinent to mention that two days ago, and as part of the initiative, DM Rajesh Kumar Shavan visited Lam based army battalaion camp and interacted with Commanding Officer, Col. Naren and his team.
The DM spent one night with this unit at Lam and shared all experiences as well as discussed the roadmap for the development of the border area with the officers.
The DM said that the unit is doing commendable work to help the people especially in the time of COVID.
“The Indian Army has played a major role during the pandemic including generating awareness regarding COVID-19, COVID Vaccination and organising special medical camps at villages near LoC,” ” the DM said while lauding the efforts is Indian Army.
During his tour to the border area as a part of the initiative, the DM also interacted with the officers and families of GREF who work round the clock in tough conditions to keep the road network functional and are contributing immensely in nation building.
It is pertinent to mention here that soon after taking over as District Magistrate, Rajesh Kumar Shavan, KAS, has taken a number of unique initiatives to improve the work culture and functioning of Govt. Offices include strengthening the office of Zila Sainik Welfare Office, and registering more than ten thousand ex-servicemen.
He also addressed the ex-servicemen through Facebook live events and appealed to them to contribute to the development process in each village based on their experience and exposure they acquired while serving the nation during active service.
Pertinently, 40,000 youth including 17000 women have also been registered and addressed through Facebook.
The public of the area has highly appreciated the Army and Civil Administration for their initiatives.

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