Sangarsh Movement hails remarkable efforts of DC Rajouri towards speedy development

RAJOURI: A deputation of Sangarsh- A civic movement for Justice Equality Peace Prosperity and Brotherhood held an interactive meet with Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri Rajesh Shavan and firmly hailed the efforts and Initiatives taken by DC Rajouri in the last six months.
Freelancer activist and founder of the Sangarsh Movement, Vikrant Sharma stated that there has been a visible overhaul in the developmental scenario of District Rajouri. He said that expansion of circular road seemed to be a distant reality and it was only due to the persistent and continuous efforts of DC Rajouri that this distant reality became possible. Vikrant further stated that this is really a herculean task that in only six months of his tenure, a parallel bridge alongside main Abdullah Bridge could see the light of the day. He further appealed that the expansion of road near the tri-junction of Bela colony bridge, circular road and the Abdullah Bridge should be proper so as to minimize the congestion.
Kanav Badyal, Vice President of the movement hailed the ‘Naya Rajouri’ concept coined by DC Rajouri. He appreciated the Public-oriented programmes, making Rajouri White City and overall face-lifting steps launched by DC Rajouri, Rajesh Shavan.
Manir Mirza, Vice Chairman Sangarsh Movement on behalf of the movement extended full support to DC Rajouri towards emancipation of general masses of Rajouri. Manir claimed that the Initiatives like Youth Connectivity via Youth Sammelan and Women Connectivity via water conservation schemes really predicts the farsighted vision of the officer who has spent just six months in the office as the DC Rajouri till now.
Rahul Chandan, Secretary Social Media and IT Cell, Sangarsh Movement announced to hold award ceremony for all winners of Online Competitions very soon as DC Rajouri has also ensured full support for all activities of Nation Building. Further the delegation presented a token of remembrance to DC Rajouri and discussed other important issues.

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