Avadhoota & its meaning

An Avadootha is one who is in a completely settled-state inside; when your mind, intellect, and ego are totally dissolved into Consciousness, the energy that is inside us. All of us have an energy aspect inside us which is completely silent, just like electricity. When electricity is operating through a light bulb, it brings light.
When the same electricity is operating through a washing machine, it has a different effect and when operating through a refrigerator gives a different effect. Similarly, the energy that operates through a human body gives the experience of a human being. When operating through a tiger, it gives the effect of a tiger. So, it is not the form but the energy inside us that is activating everything on earth and everywhere else, from birth to death and beyond. Someone who connects and surrenders to that electricity within, also detaches from the seeming facades of life (the positions, possessions, and relations), which are very attractive and also binding. So when a person who is totally connected inside and fully aware and realized of what’s running the show; where he is fully settled inside, he can never be swayed by anything outside. That is a state of an Avadhoota, a well-established personality, a person who is fully settled inside; he doesn’t need practices, he doesn’t have methods or patterns or anything; they are all dissolved. A state of accomplishment – that is an Avadhoota..!
Mohanji (In conversation about book
MOST – The Ecstatic)

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