Iron man who closely-knit India

O.P Sharma
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Iron Man, has the unique distinction of unifying India into a strong nation and also toning up its administrative structure. It was this first Deputy Prime Minister (also holding portfolio of Home Ministry) who strongly persuaded about 600 odd princely states to merge with India. Today India is growing fast into a stable and strong nation moving fast to emerge on the international arena.

National Unity Day

Needless to record that during the year 1947, when we got independence, the world was not very optimistic about India’s future as one entity. There were apprehensions that India with many languages, varied religions, cultural diversities and few other factors this country would be scattered! Then Sardar emerged as a ray of hope for the country in those times. By full integration of the country, the noble objective of Ek Bharat; Shrastha Bharat was achieved. Sardar Patel with his iron resolve not only laid the foundation of today’s India but also showed the way to the future with the spirit of strength and dedication. Thus certainly it would be very fitting to call Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as the Architect of Modern India.
National Unity Day
Born to Jhaver Bhai Patel and Ladba Patel on October 31, 1875, at Nadiad in Gujarat, Vallabhbhai Patel was the fourth child. At a very young age of 13, he was married to Jhaver Ben Patel completed his law and then passed the District Attorney’s examination, to practise law. Jhaver Ben died of cancer at young age when Patel was only 33 years.
Significant to mention that during 1909, when Jhaver Ben was in a hospital in Mumbai, Sardar was busy pleading one case in court. Between the court proceedings, someone wrote on the slip and informed him about the death of Jhaver Ben but Sardar put the slip in his pocket and still continued with the case. He later won the case and it was only after the proceeding of the court was over that he informed everyone about the demise of his wife.
Political Upstart
Later, he went to England for further study and returned to India in 1913. Soon he abandoned wearing a modern suit and instead adopted Khadi, following Gandhi’s footsteps. Soon after this transition in 1918, Patel began a life of public service with farmers’ campaign in Kheda regarding payment of tax. The British administration was adamant not to defer the payment despite poor harvest. Gandhiji stepped up the campaign in other parts of the country and finally the demands were met. Patel immediately became a hero in the eyes of the farmers of Kheda. Vallabhbhai also led successfully the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928 as no-tax movement. Thus he earned the title of “Sardar” by the women farmers.
Subsequently, Sardar Patel was elected as President, Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad in 1922, 1924 and 1927. He played an important role in the Non-Cooperation Movement, Swaraj Movement, Dandi Yatra and Quit India Movement. He became the national president of the Congress at a time when the nation was furious over the executions of three patriots: Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.
Uphill Task Done
Just before independence, he again got the opportunity to become Congress president but at the behest of Gandhiji, he backtracked and Jawaharlal Nehru was made the Congress President. After independence, Sardar Patel became India’s first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. This was a critical period in the history of the country. There existed 562 princely states some cherishing the dream of separating from India to form individual units. But Sardar Patel turned the clock in the national direction and created one India. It was a super political feat by Sardar Patel to create single, stable and strong India. It is noteworthy that Patel played a historical role in the accession to India of entire erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir State including PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan.
Steel Nerve Moves
It is worth-while to state that it was the steadfast determination of Sardar Patel that made India’s unification possible. That is why Gandhiji gave him the title of ‘Iron Man’. The credit for the reorganization of the Indian Civil Service also goes to him. Unfortunately, when the nation needed such a steel nerved person, he left for his heavenly abode in Mumbai (then Bombay) on December 15, 1950.
The path of self-reliant India has been carved out in line with Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat that Sardar Patel had cherished. India started celebrating National Unity Day on October 31 from 2014, to pay homage and salutes one of its most revered leader. Not only this, the tallest statue in the world ‘Statue of Unity’ dedicated to Sardar Patel was unveiled on this day during 2018 in Kewedia, Gujarat. This has become a hub for the visitors who pay homage to this Great Son of India.

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