Government Medical College Kathua shines in University Examination


There is a saying that ” Success is not given it is earned” and once again GMCKathua one of the newly established government medical colleges of J&K has demonstrated this in MBBS 1st prof university examination. Recently 1st prof MBBS University results were declared and GMC-KATHUA continued its excellent performance of the 1st batch of 2019-20. Ithas shown outstanding results also for the MBBS batch of 2020-21 by bagging overall 1st position among all the medical colleges in Jammu province with 3 distinctions in physiology.

TanmayJasrotia s/o Sh.AveshJasrotia scored 661/900 and stood 1stin the university examination followed by Aayushi Sharma d/o Sh.Kamal Kishore scored 649/900 stood 2nd sharing 2nd rank with a student from GMC Rajouriand Shweta Kundald/oSh.Kuldeep Raj &Nitika Devi d/o Sh. Nek Ram both scoring 630/900 were 6thin examination (3rd in GMC Kathua).GMC Kathua has been doing its best since its inception of just 3 years in academics, health care and research due to the hard work of its faculty, students, all the other staff members and the managementand above all active interest taken from time to time by Administrative department.

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