STATE TIMES’ ALERT: PWD, Irrigation department failed to take timely action
JAMMU:As the Irrigation and Public Works departments failed to take timely action on STATE TIMES exclusive report on August 14, 2022, the entire R S Pura sector has been deprived off the irrigation water supply as duct of the irrigation channel has completely washed away today near village Dharp adjoining Miranshahib area.

STATE TIMES had sounded alert on August 14 that “Upstream protection of bridge over Billol nallah near village Dharp adjoining Miranshahib area got washed away completely during last rain constructed by Public Works Department (PWD) thus exposing duct of irrigation channel. In next rainfall, this duct will be fully washed off affecting irrigation in the entire command area. Right side abutment of the bridge is also exposed. This bridge, constructed by PWD, was commissioned only three months back.”
And now today the duct of the irrigation has completely washed away depriving the villagers from MiranSahib to Dabler area in R S Pura sector of irrigation water. This is a major economic loss to the entire belt.