Why apathy towards Arts in Dogra land

Squadron Leader Anil Sehgal
The literary scene in Jammu, the Dograland, has not changed much for the past about five decades that I am aware of. Well, not for any considerable betterment.
It is neither strange, nor an exception that groups of comparative mediocrity in literature thrive in this Dogra region whilst palpable merit is swept under the carpet.
At least in this respect, we are in close proximity to the national standards of literary compromise.
Narrow minded considerations of groupism prevail all around ; either you are “in” or you are not. Divide between ‘us’ and ‘them’ is as clear as between black & white. There is little scope for the shades in-between the two.

Jammu Jottings

A few literary bodies boast fiefdom blatantly, a few are under the command of the same person for dozens of years, sometimes, for decades. Dissent and difference of opinion are invariably resisted with great grit and are not accepted with grace.
In certain literary bodies, entry of new members is fought tooth and nail lest the ruling regime be put to any conceivable difficulty or challenge from the new entrants. Everyone likes to protect his comfort zone.
In one instance, a multifaceted office bearer is denied even a literary discussion of his own book because he belongs to a different sect or caste ( grouse of a few) !
For all we know, such literary discussion may bring attention to his works, thereby, boosting his readership and improve his literary image. He and his book may also become better known and popular.
For all we know, he may even become a potential contender for an award, and, maybe, even win it ! So, why take a risk ?
Therefore, the organisation’s ruling regime becomes cautious of this eventuality and devises means to nip it in the bud !! This is the mindset of most of the rivals in the field of literature.
While inviting a person to speak at some literary deliberations, much attention is paid to estimate what he is likely to speak than his own merit. Only those guests are preferred who are most likely to shower praises on the organisation and the organisers.
I was recently invited to speak at an awards ceremony and speak about a friend in whose memory the award has been instituted by the family.
Daughter of the deceased called me up to request if I would speak about her father who was a dear friend to me for about five decades. Of course, I consented and she accordingly informed those who were trusted to host the awards ceremony on her behalf.
Immediately afterwards, frantic calls were made to me by the office bearers of this literary body under whose banner the awards ceremony was to be organised.
They enquired if I could share the script of my proposed address to them in advance. I told them I don’t prepare a script before I speak. Moreover, the deceased was a dear friend of long standing, and I don’t need a prepared script to speak about him. I would speak extempore, straight from the heart, I told them.
They said they needed the written script as it would be used in a brochure they planned to print subsequently. I promised them it would be done post my address. Then, they wanted me to make my speech as short as possible ! I readily agreed.
Short of prescribing a dress code for the occasion and conducting a workshop for teaching me how to climb up the stage, they did everything to dissuade me from accepting the invitation to speak !
Incidentally, even after a month of the said event, nobody from this literary body has approached me for the script they so much needed in advance !!
There are times when a learned guest speaker is restricted to unrealistic time limits lest he steals the limelight from the organisers ! So much for the democratic operations and intellectual integrity of the cultural and literary bodies.
We have been hearing about high headed behaviour of certain literary bodies soaked in professional rivalry amongst Dogri writers and poets of the yore. Let us examine a few instances.
In the seventies, a stalwart like Ram Nath Shastri faced the wrath of the Gen next. The reason was not his undisputed scholarship. The grouse of the Young Turks was that he had been at the helm of the affairs for too long ! After him, sadly, the same Young Turks are ruling the roost for decades !
At a recent awards ceremony in Jammu, president of an 80 years old literary body felt compelled to assert, suo moto, from the stage that the selection made by them is through a fair process. The lady spoke for about 15 minutes explaining how the awards were not dubious and no corrupt practices were adopted to arrive at a decision !
Scores of aspiring, and even well known writers, tell you their tales of woes while dealing with the Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, which provides financial support to writers to self publish their books.
For decades, I have been hearing the stories how meritorious writers and poets are blatantly ignored and the subsidy is doled out to writers of mediocre merit. It is an unending saga written with desperation, neglect and frustration.
So, are Dogras any different from the rest of the country in ignoring merit ?
No, we are not.
But, shouldn’t we be different ?
My contention is why should we not be different ( read better, fair and upright) ?
Let us rise like the valiant Dogra general Zorawar Singh and announce to the world that the Dogras know how to honour the meritorious amongst them, and put this declaration in real-time practice.
To begin with, we must be fair to fellow writers, poets, singers, painters, dancers and the artisans. We should develop a genuine awareness and knowledge about arts and its practitioners around us. We must respond to the needs of these artists who are integral parts of the aesthetics and recognise the meritorious artists well in time.
I say well in time so that their talent and achievements are celebrated whilst they are still in our midst. This will inspire others to strive hard towards achieving greater heights in their chosen fields of art.
I use word ‘art’ as a composite expression that includes all forms of aesthetics like music, dance ,painting and literature.
Various academies established by the government and other art and literature bodies funded from the public money have failed us. Therefore, it is incumbent on the aware citizenry to rise to the occasion.
The overall idea of all forms of art is to lend beauty to life, to make it better, decent, livable and something to celebrate about, each day of our stay on this earth !

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