Environmental crisis and emerging challenges

G L Khajuria

There are multihued factors directly or indirectly responsible for ever-deteriorating natural quality of congenial environmental globally. As a consequence, therefore, there is ever-escalating environmental crisis. The main cruxes arising out of the environmental degradation are predominantly the effects of green house, (emission of cholouro-flora -carbon-CFs, ever-mounting global warming, apart from many more factors. And in the first place comes anthropogenic activities giving rise in the air concentration of carbon dioxide (Co2), methane (CH4) Nitrous oxide (N2O) and water -vapours. The increase in concentration of CO2 is due to fossil fuel burning whereas the rise in the concentration of methane (CH4) is as a result of expansion in the agricultural activities. However, the ever-challenging crisis on environment is evidenced through the regional manifestation which though, of course, is impacting the entire globe.
The mountainous regions all over globe constitute 20 per cent of the terrestrial area which provide direct support system to around 10 per cent of world population. These as well subsist and sustain many other activities such as forestry and agriculture and other energy resources. And in addition, there are active elements of terrestrial environment which provide and play very pivotal role in the global environmental systems at large. The contemporary research insights spare no room any more for skepticism so far as the general rise in mean surface temperature at global, regional and local level is concerned.
Though strange it may sound but too true that global warming in its complex form also to a larger extent impact the climate change-the biggest challenge of the current century. It has also been scientifically proved that the human activities affect six out of seven most predominant factors viz CO2, CH4, N2O CFC’s emissions and water vapors. Apart from these, halocarbons which, of course, are of human origin occurring from cooling agents and other compound pollutants, which are the most hazardous. All these halocarbons are responsible for atmospheric warming. And some halocarbons persists over 10000 times more than CO2. These are responsible for trapping heat which gives impetus for global warming. The enviro-scientists have established that halocarbons are long lived persisting for hundreds and thousands of years when once released into the atmosphere. And amongst these halocarbons are virtually immortal, persisting over a period around 50000 or so.
Whereas CO2 is measured in parts per million, compared to methane (CH4) which is measured in parts per billion but astonishingly halocarbons are too far ahead being measured in parts per billion. The scenario is pernicious one by all accounts and is quite challenging under the present environmental crisis as most of the enviro-scientists have predicted that earth’s temperature shall soar from 1.50c to around 4.50 c by ending 2030. If such emissions continue to be so with such a pace, it would be a catastrophe globally. Rise of earth’s temperature, to the extent of 1.50 deg C, is insignificant as it had rather been together than any temperature change experienced during the last 10000 years. Global warming would thus mean shorter cold seasons and longer warmer ones. The winter in northern region will be warmer and the summer longer which consequently would have a very adverse effect on the forests and the agriculture in particular which would rather be disrupted adversely. As a consequence, therefore, extreme weather conditions would be a common phenomenon which as a result would tantamount to destruction of all bioform whether on land or seas. The enviro-scientists have conducted detailed studies and documentations and arrived at the conclusion that carbon induced global warming is a red signal for all the nations across the globe.
The ozone layer encircling this bio-sustaining planet earth, as we all well know is the only protective layer shielding all bio-forms and by the impact of ever-escalating global warming shall tantamount to puncturing and widening its hole with the revolving wheel of time and all living creatures shall be pernicious breeding apocalyptic consequences. Is it not the biggest challenge for already degrading environment facing the current crisis of cataclysms? Another grave challenge to the environment is consistent with unpredictable weather conditions ensuing from global warming. If there are rains, these are of unprecedented nature resultantly wrecking havoc wind-cum-thunderstorms lightning and fast winds with large scale landslides and mass movement of soil in conglomeration with multihued material that confronts floods furry in rivulets, ravines and rivers which take huge toll of lives together their belongings. The losses of men and material in the low lying are quite unimaginative and incalculable. The rivers in spate flow down into seas an oceans causing thereby uprising in their water level.
Similarly, global warming takes its other forms by the melting of snows and glaciers hugely contributing their water in the same fashion thus up rings in seas, oceans and Islands. The enviro-scientists have documented and reported that if the sea level rises accruing from such floods continued, it will tantamount to submergence of sea shores ultimately creating havoc. The latest reports have estimated that sea-level rise upto more than 99 cm.
And if same remains the situation, it is estimated that a third of Florida (USA), Parth (Australia), parts of Netherlands and almost half of Mumbai would most probably be under sea water. Is it not a challenge of environmental crisis looming large in the years ahead. Astonishingly enough, Perth in Australia is now afoot all out precautions to slow down emissions of green house effects all around coastal areas. Bangladesh, Maldives, Egypt and Indonesia are also apprehended to be plunged in the sea water. All the coastal areas viz. Anglican the Thames Esturary in United Kingdom and most of the low-lying cities across the globe including New or leans, Miami and Shanghi will also face the same sort of situation. Under such an aplocalyptic, scenario, major challenging threats seem to be in offing in the apprehending environmental crisis. And now of the latest on the October this year when United States coastal area was barced by deadly Hurricane Mathew which sounded a serious signal around the coastal area and created panic when schools were closed and areas near, the coast evacuated. The challenges of environmental crisis shall further be off shooting major challenges in respect of intensity of rainfall and its variable locations. Some of the areas would be experiencing unprecedented rains, whereas other areas there will scanty rainfall or droughts resulting in boosting of forests and agricultural productivity.
(The author is former
Deputy Conservator of Forests, J&K).

Editorial editorial article