Political corruption is the most prominent form of corruption, under whose umbrella all other forms of corruption flourish and get protection. Under this mainly comes the corrupt practices adopted to win the elections of the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies. There is no such malpractice, malpractice or gimmick in the world which is not adopted to win elections in India. The reason is that only the winning party in the elections forms the government, due to which all the political power of the center and the states comes in its hands.
Under Administrative corruption, all those officers sitting in government, semi-government, non-government organizations, institutions, establishments or services (jobs) come who are involved in casteism, nepotism, any kind of pressure or greed of Kamini-Kanchan or for any other reason appoints or promotes unfit persons, disregards their duties themselves and gives patronage to subordinate employees who do so or weakens the country on any front by any of their actions or conduct. Whether it is an officer giving wrong quota-permit or an army officer selling military secrets to foreign countries or bridges collapsing quickly after taking bribes from contractors.
An engineer who constructs government buildings etc., or a police officer who gives shelter to a criminal, also come under this type of language.
Under Professional corruption, adulterating various substances, preparing inferior goods and selling them at a better price, charging more than the fixed rate, creating artificial scarcity of a particular item, looting the public with both hands, tax evasion Those businessmen who make the country and society weak by adopting other corrupt methods come.
The speed of corruption is not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom, that is, corruption first flourishes at the highest level and then gradually spreads downwards. There is a saying – ‘As the king and the people’. It does not mean that everyone in India is corrupt.
But there is no doubt that people free from corruption are found in this country only as an exception.
The reason is that materialistic life-philosophy, which has come from the West through English education. This way of life is purely indulgent – ‘eat, drink and be merry’ is its main mantra.
This is completely opposite to the traditional Indian philosophy of life.

Editorial editorial article 1