Smart Meters

My smart meter was installed about 3 months back. The day it was made live, I requested for and got back my old meter, and had it installed additionally inside my house, precisely to see how the new meter would function.
( Was feeling terribly scared after reading all the horror stories about how the smart meters installed elsewhere were generating hugely inflated bills).

Since then, I have been monitoring both the meters simultaneously.
Must say that there is negligible variance. A unit or two- here or there- each month.
My bills for the last three months, as per existing tariff structure, are fully accurate.

Previously, there would be lot of inconsistency in the monthly bills ( like for a particular month it would be say Rs.500, and the following month it would be RS 2500, without there being an apparent reason for variance).
Tried figuring this out with my area meter-reader many times, but failed. I am not trying to insinuate anything here, but it could well be that he was notionally writing a reading of my meter while actually sitting at his home, knowing that it would eventually get adjusted, once he actually visited my place and recorded the actual reading.
Or else, he was ‘incorrectly reading the matter’ every other month. I had no way to know.
Result: I was either paying less or more, in a given month.

Find no such inconsistency in my previous 3 months’ bills now, generated post smart meter installation. Given my consumption pattern, these seem fully satisfactory.

Additionally, I monitor my reading now every day on my phone ( without having to climb up the pole! ) and feel fully satisfied that I am in control now, as far as my everyday consumption is concerned.
Previously, I was purely at the mercy of meter reader, as explained above.
There could well be many a case of defective meters also, which the concerned authorities should promptly look into and redress, given the extreme sensitivity of the people about the functioning of smart meters.
I am a senior citizen and have simply chosen to share an honest feedback. No intention to ruffle any feathers here.
There may be others who have a totally different experience. They can voice their story as well.
There always remains scope for an honest interaction/ evaluation/ dialogue in a civilized and aware society. I for one feel that the new meters are an improvement on the earlier ones, and will lead to better transparency.
In conclusion, I would say that this is our city, our PDD (JPDCL), our country. We owe it to our conscience as aware citizens that we pay our bills honestly and timely, as long as these are fair & just.

Vinod Kak
(Hazuribagh Jammu.)

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