A look of bhajans

Name of the Book – SUSHAMNA
Poet – BansiLalKoul ‘Bansi’
Pages – 192 (Both Nastaliqand Devanagari script)
SUSHAMNA – Book under review is a collection of fifty odd bhajans published in one bind both in the Nastaliq and Devanagari scripts. The book has hit the stands recently and has been widely appreciated. Bansi turns out to be a bhakta and lover with sharp and intense longing for the union with divine. It finds expression in lovely bhajans rich in substance and musical in form and texture. Inner horizons seem to be expanding with tilitating romance of sorts and creeping desire to have face to face encounter with the divinity. The poet is really intoxicated.
Wuzan yes lolahnarichreh,
Galan tuscheynaindertayneh,
Bansi chai chenahkechteh,
Rangdar posh mainehwarayphol,
Dukhdaed me sari chali,
Rangder posh mainehwarayphuli.

There is clear indication to the gradual opening of the inner gates welcoming peace and harmony. I loved my Lala, the beloved and his love opened me up to beauty and truth. All my ailments vanishd in thin air. The depth of thought can be gauged from the following verse.
Karun bedargantaithasey,
Make haste to be on the path of devotion and righteousness. There should be a soulful longing for Him. Ensure your voice has sufficient energy and the soul and sprit has awareness to ensure your Love comes your way.
The poet describes the transitory nature of human existence in these touching and beautiful words.
Bansi yeti kus rood,
Zyadekathan no sood,
Make use of available time and seek the nector of the union with your Beloved.
Simple diction and loaded thought make the verses more attractive, readable and enduring.
Aebdaras me rachtamlaaj,
Gaerchusseeranchukh me sar posh,
Dim sharanpamposhpadantal.
P.N. Shad in his foreward to the book has found the bhajansringinglymusical, highly devotional and brilliantly expressive of deep faith. The bhajans have been addressed to the Hindu Pantheon including Shiva, Shakti and Vinayaka.
Gounchain gavithhakaay no,
Dyan chon daryomanyemanz.
This BhajanSangreh has quality printing and spiritually enlightening painting on either side of the cover. Both Nastaliq and Devnagri scripts have been well presented with almost no corrections required. The book in print has attractive look and catches your attention. It seems that much attention has been given to each detail.
I recommend the book for general reading and especially to those with spiritual bent of mind and interest in Bhajans. It will really benefit you.


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