Superficially simple;
Dark, chaotic inside.
Oceanic is life.
Deep down multitude of secrets
Blues and green and ochre red
Splashing waves, far and wide spread
Milky white above and then mingling ahead.
Layers and Layers of oneness
Carrying weird memories
Bringing laughter and cries
Memories of happiness and sadness.
Remove the shroud of mystery
Uncover the secrets in your Oceanic mind.
Change they say, change people.
I disagree; I disagree as none can replace an individual
Love today, ignore and hate tomorrow,
Can’t happen, can’t happen like this,
One’s place is unique, unique in one’s life
I’m a part of you, you a part of me
We are one like millions of drops in the ocean
You can’t separate yourself, you can’t detach
You keep running, running fast
I’m there you will find,
Once you turn around.
Life never stops.
When we feel we are caught in the waves of memories,
Life finds its way.
Love heals every wound,
Erases all what needs to be erased.
Love makes you live again.

Don’t feel afraid to wander,
Because in the memory of sea,
Everyone takes a dip.
Don’t be afraid of drowning,
Life will take you ashore.
Silent above,
Tumultuous beneath,
Oceanic is life.
Roma Gupta




Be grateful for what you have today,
You will not know when it will leave the next day.
Show gratitude as you are still alive,
Because your breath may stop any time.
Say thank you God every time you achieve something,
Since he is the giver when you had nothing.
He is your biggest protector,
He is with you and will always be with you in danger
Chant his holy name to feel his presence,
He makes a will in which one could know his guidance
Believe in him and have faith ,
It is an ongoing process and eventually makes you wait.
Take time to understand the creator of the universe,
It may seem to be a bit difficult at first.
But, with time we realise that he holds the power,
To bless , apprise and also to empower.
He is quiet but listens the prayer of a sincere heart,
However , ensure that you play your role well and rest is his part.
Shaarvi Verma
(Jodhamal Public School)



India a wonderful nation and has exceeded the outer-towers.
It is getting transcended to a major super-power.
It has world’s longest constitution.
For many countries it is like a learning institution.
Many countries follow the trails of our nation.
It is because of its aura creation.
India’s Republic is one of the world’s shining lights.
Among many nations of the world our country shines bright.
Many social evils are getting eradicated.
It is because of the positive vibes that have been generated.
With the positive vibes’ generation, all of us can see the change.
India is getting transformed and has set its own bar and range.
Sahildeep Singh Raina

The post LIFE appeared first on DailyExcelsior.

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