Story of Shiv Temple Gali Karlah

Rajinder Chand Anthal
Gali is a picturesque pass on the hilltop of an old trade and travel route of erstwhile Chenani state between Patnitop and Gouri Kund. It enjoys commanding position over other lower range hilltops of Dhar Shivgarh. The far off locations upto Laddha Dhar, Jugg Dhar top and Latti etc. are visible from this place. Gali is also known for its fertile maize and potato fields adjoining dense deodar forests on hill side.
Gali is a small habitation with few people residing there. A vast piece of land adjoining the old pond exists there from centuries. This grassland has been kept uncultivated due to some historical facts. The source of water is natural with some inflow of rain water from the catchment areas. This land is treated as common land of the inhabitants mainly used for cattle grazing and play field activities. There exists an ancient temple of Lord Shiva which has recently been renovated.
The Shiv temple of Gali Karlah and this pond are linked with important historical facts of the past which made the destiny of Chenani State for the continuity of this Anthal Rajvansh rule of Chenani kings for centuries during the most turbulent period of history extending upto 1947-48. The Gali episode gave Chenani a brave and wise king Dayal Chand who proved to be an able strategist king to save merger of Chenani state with Jammu darbar at the hands of Maharaja Gulab Singh. In fact, the ground of Gali was a battlefield of the past where Dayal Chand emerged victorious to assume Raj Gaddi of Chennai State.
Historical facts and verbal history tells that a fierce battle took place at this place between two claimants of Chenani throne centuries ago. During this battle, Gali pond got filled with blood of soldiers. Later a small Shiv temple was built here for salvation of the departed souls of the soldiers etc. It is said that Raja Tegh Chand ruled Chenani during the end of 18th century. The tenure of Raja Tegh Chand was short and full of controversies. He had no male issue. During his life time the Raja had nominated his daughter to rule Chenani after his death. This was due to pressure from in laws of the Raja and also due to the planning of some greedy courtiers to remain in power after the death of the king. Going by the practice being followed by royal families, Dayal Chand, son of second brother of Raja was the rightful claimant of Chenani raj. There emerged one more claimant of Chenani Raj namely Basavsa Chand (Bassu) who was junior to Dayal Chand in order of descendants. The family of Basava Chand was living at Chenani. The father of Dayal Chand was granted separate Jagir at Sudhmahadev. Due to all these reasons, the family of Dayal Chand was deliberately kept away from Chenani affairs fearing that he may claim throne of Chenani after the death of Raja Tegh Chand being the next elder male member of the family.
At the time of death of Raja Tegh Chand, Dayal Chand atttended all the rituals of the late king at Chenani with other relatives, but he was completely ignored during all these days. He felt humiliated but kept quiet. At the time of coronation, Dayal Chand presented his claim in the open Darbar but his claim was challenged by Basava Chand who offered full support to the daughter of late king to rule Chenani. Dayal Chand returned to Sudhmahadev with determination to fight for justice. He started secret preparations for armed conflict with Chenani Darbar to get his due honour. Meanwhile Basava Chand consolidated his position in Chenani Darbar as shadow ruler of daughter of late king. Dayal Chand arranged arms and ammunition in a secret way and stored it in specially designed basement under residential complex adjoining Sudhmahadev temple. These mysterious constructions remained in the temple complex till the time when Sudhmahadev temple was taken over by Dharamarth trust. These old buildings were replaced by new ones by the Trust. Dayal Chand also raised a small but highly motivated army of local and outside Chenani youth.
Basava Chand was in better position being overall in charge of Chenani affairs. One day Basava Chand got information regarding large scale preparations of Dayal Chand for armed conflict with Chenani. He did secret meeting with the courtiers to attack Dayal Chand camp by surprise to calm him. Dayal Chand got all these information through agents from Chenani. He became alert to face the challenge.
One day Dayal Chand got information that Basava Chand is camping at Gali Karlah with large army for an early morning attack on the establishment of Dayal Chand at Sudhmahadev. In the evening, Dayal Chand and his army crawled towards Gali Karlah and surrounded the camp of Basava Chand from all sides. The army of Basava Chand was sleeping in their tents. Without wasting any time, Dayal Chand and his army launched fierce attack on the camp of Chenani army from all sides. Before Basava Chand and his men could understand what has happened, more than half of their army was killed. It is said that till morning the water of Gali pond turned red with blood of soldiers. With few men Basava Chand ran towards Patnitop and after many days of jungle fighting he was located and killed by bodyguards of Dayal Chand in upper Mandlote area near Nathatop. Dayal Chand came to Chenani and occupied the palace without any resistance. His Raj-tilak was held immediately.
In this way Chenani got a powerful king from the same dynasty to rule Chenani and to save its independent identity. So Gali Karlah is both a historical land and gift of nature to the lovers of tourism. The Shiv temple at Gali Karlah is visited by a large number of locals and tourists daily to seek the blessings of supreme God for wellness and prosperity of mankind.
The author is former Zonal Education Officer, Chenani

The post Story of Shiv Temple Gali Karlah appeared first on Daily Excelsior.

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