No glitz and glamour
Have no much ado and aplomb
Soon it will be gone.
Where has Alexander the great gone?
Being narcissistic about self
Not required , in a fling will go.
All big wigs have gone
Soon you too will go.
No much prima Donna
What for after all
Boast not of your achievements
After all what for .
Who remembers whom
Even your shadow is not your own.
Do good if you can
And definitely you can.
No sneer and scoff at someone’s despondency
And make no mockery .
Seen people becoming hero from zero
Also seen people crashing from hero to zero.
Boast not and never
And nothing is forever .
Have patience and perseverance
Nothing grows over night
Don’t ever be greedy.
Shun love for money
Of no worth is this craze.
Remember nothing goes along
Coffin has no pockets
Everything is left behind
When one is gone.
Good work is good science
And this will work.
Do good and leave when time comes
And you will leave without regrets.
Love all and hate none
If someone hates
Love him still.
Happy people around
Happiness abound will surround.
Col Parmjit
Sainik Colony

Whispers of Shadows

In the quiet corners of my mind,
Where shadows linger and hope is blind,
I dance with demons, unseen and cold,
Their icy fingers tracing stories untold.
The weight upon my chest, a leaden cloak,
Each breath a battle, every heartbeat broke,
The sun retreats, and darkness takes its place,
A silent war within, a desperate chase.
Loneliness becomes my constant friend,
Its touch a bitter ache that never ends,
I search for light, but find only gray,
Lost in this labyrinth, night turns to day.
Anxiety wraps around my fragile bones,
A suffocating vine, its grip unyielding stones,
I count the cracks in the ceiling above,
Wondering if there’s solace in surrender or love.
Despair paints the walls of my weary soul,
Its brush strokes heavy, leaving scars untold,
I trace the contours of my fractured heart,
Seeking solace in the void, tearing me apart.
Yet somewhere deep within this cavernous ache,
A flicker of resilience refuses to break,
A fragile ember, fighting against the tide,
Whispering, “Hold on, dear soul, don’t hide.”
So I gather shards of broken dreams,
Weave them into verses, silent screams,
In ink and paper, I find my sanctuary,
A refuge for the wounded, the lost, the weary.
Depression, you may cast your shadow wide,
But within these lines, my spirit won’t hide,
For even in the darkest night, a star will gleam,
A testament to resilience, a fragile dream.
And so I write, my pen a beacon of defiance,
A bridge across abysses, a fragile reliance,
For in these verses, I find my way back home,
A poet’s battle cry against the tempest’s foam.
Dr Varun Gupta


Friendship is like a beautiful flower that spreads it’s fragrance everywhere,
Friendship is like a cheerful song,
To chase all your blues away.
It’s a helping hand,
Which is always there
when you need someone to care..
Komal Mengi
Raghunath Bazar, Jammu

The post PEARLS OF WISDOM appeared first on Daily Excelsior.

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