A look back at ancient Duggar

Ashok Sharma
Name of the book: Pracheen Duggar- Ek Jhank
Name of the writer: Prof.Shiv Nirmohi
Publisher: Akshay Prakashan, Ansari Road, New Delhi
Year of publication:2023
Price: Rs 250.00
Language: Dogri

This is perhaps the first book of its type in Duggar in which the writer ventures to uncover the thick mist over Duggar History and tells the readers how Duggar region used to be in the days of yore. The book is divided into eight chapters. The opening chapter acquaints the readers with the geographical knowledge of Duggar as well as the rivers and mountains whose names have been mentioned in the Vedic Literature.The evolution of man, ancient human colonies and other places discovered by geologists and archaeologists have also been described. Some of these places are Lakhanpur, Nagrota, Koota, Manda, Akhnoor, Gurha-Pattan, Kurro, Piani, Sutash, Raita etc.
The second chapter deals with the communities and races ( prajatiyaan) which include Pishach, Daitya, Ghoghar, Raaks, Vidya Dhar, Naadey, Keekar, Drudu, Tug, Audambar, Shalabh, Madar, Takk, Nag, Yaksh etc and historical races such as Shak, Hoon, Khas, Durgar, Keer, Saumantak, Kathoi etc. In addition to this, castes/ communities such as Gujjar, Koli, Dangi, Vasishath, Bataal, Dambar, Kirat, Maun, Lakh etc and local communities such as Brahman, Khatri, Rajput, Mahajan, Dogra Sikh, Dogra Musalman, Jain, Buddhist etc. have also been mentioned.
The third chapter titled ‘Ancient Society of Duggar’, includes the accounts of demons who lived in the mountains and who have been mentioned in the Vedic Literature and who fed the Demon Culture in Duggar. Among the demons, is found the name of Ayakuman who lived in Jib ( Udhampur) and of Vritasur who was killed by Lord Indra near Sharyanavat lake( Sanasar) and his death was celebrated. After the end of Demon culture, Vedic Culture flourished in Duggar and at many places across Duggar, sages and saints performed meditation in tranquility. According to the writer, in ancient Duggar, signs of Matriarchal society are also found. In Jijju of Panchari, Malli of Ghordi and Sarohi of Latti Dhoona, many people claim themselves to be the descendents of ‘Van Devis’ ( Jogans).
The fourth chapter of this book is dedicated to the Nag Period. Some historians term 3200-2500 BC period as Nag Period while others describe the period of 1500-500 as the period of Nags. There are three branches of Nags in Duggar: Babar Vahan Dynasty, Shankh Pal Dynasty and Vasuki Nag Dynasty. Babar Vahan’s rule extended from river Ravi to river Chanderbhaga and its main centre was Manipur ( Rajpura) near Samba. The main rulers of Nag Dynasty are Jag Vahan, Shal Vahan, Nag Vahan, Neel Vahan, Chitra Vahan etc. Shankh Pal ruled over Sanasar region in the now Ramban District. The names of 23 rulers of this Dynasty are mentioned in Neel Mat Puran. Vasuki Nag ruled Bhaderwah region and in course of time,his rule extended to the whole of Duggar region. He had 22 sons and 84 grandsons.
The fifth chapter of the book is titled’ the Period of Buddhism’. Some historians say that Buddhist rulers had entered Duggar during the period of Nags.During the period of Emperor Ashoka, King Menander, King Krimish Yaksha, Maharaja Kanishak, Budhism spread rapidly across Duggar. The main centres of Buddhism were Himtal, Ballapur, Krimachi, Akhnoor, Parnotas, Mendhar, Nag Devi etc. The sixth chapter deals with the period of Ranas. After the decline of Buddhism, the period of Ranas started. During the period of King Ram Dev of Kannauj, out of around 500 Rajwares on both sides of Ravi, half of which must be in Duggar. 181 Rajwares have been described in the writer’s book titled ‘ Duggar ke Rajware’. The seventh chapter deals with ‘ Capitalism/ Imperialism’ ( Samantvaad) in which regions such as Loharkot, Rajapuri, Kaalinjer, Banshaal, Parnotas- Bartul, Kashtwar, Bhadervkash, Babbapur, Ballapur figure. The 8th Chapter is titled’ Ancient States & Duggar’ in which political relations of Rakk, Madar, Prigarl, Takshila, Gandhar, Satisar, etc with Duggar have been discussed. The book contains rare and valuable information about ancient Duggar and it needs to be studied by one and all, especially by the students of History.

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