Empowering political parties to champion earth’s preservation

Biju Dharmapalan
It’s election time in India, and various political parties vie for their space in the hearts of the public. Even when political parties give multiple offers, including providing sustainable living in their manifestos, there is no concrete measure to tackle issues affecting our planet.Even for the few who speak about the environment, the vision is for the future, not immediate. What we want is a manifesto that speaks about protecting our planet the moment it comes to power. Every political party stresses on developmental politics. But what is the use of development if our planet’s status is in a dilemma? The climate is changing; glaciers and the water table are receding, and water scarcity is severe in parts of the country. We haven’t devised a concrete step in managing our garbage, even in our capital city. Is it a lack of scientific knowledge? We have one CSIR lab exclusively working on the environment and many other research institutions working on similar lines. Still, we fail in this? Is it a lack of political will? Nobody knows the actual reason behind this. Every part of the planet suffers from anthropogenic activities during this anthropocene period.
Even when single-use plastic is banned in the country, it is widely used across the country, polluting every environment. In the electioneering process, political parties also create lots of garbage containing lots of plastic materials. During elections, political parties often use a variety of promotional materials such as banners, posters, flyers, and flags, many of which are made of plastic or contain plastic components. Political rallies, public events, and gatherings organized by political parties often generate significant amounts of waste, including plastic cups, plates, and other disposable items. Improper waste management practices at these events can result in plastic litter ending up in the environment.Not a single political party or their leaders take the initiative to prevent the use of plastics or remove the garbage created by their cadres. Why can’t the government ban plastic from its production source? After manufacturing and selling to the vendors, for name sake, the official makes some periodic visits and fines poor vendors. It’s like keeping sweets near a diabetic patient and telling him not to touch them. The public has become so attuned to the use of plastic that it would be difficult to bring drastic changes in their attitude on a fine morning. What we need is strong measures from the government side. Instead of fining poor vendors, the government should ban the production of single-use plastic and promote alternative indigenous technologies in packing and logistics. In India, we had a time when we lived without an addiction towards plastics till the early 90s. Wherever the use of plastics is indispensable, the government should vigorously implement proper waste segregation and recycling mechanisms.
Plastic pollution has significantly threatened ecosystems, wildlife, and human health worldwide. From clogging waterways and harming marine life to contaminating soil and water sources, the impacts of plastic waste are far-reaching and multifaceted.Plastic pollution in oceans is a well-documented problem with devastating effects on marine life. Sea turtles, whales, seabirds, and fish often mistake plastic debris for food or become entangled in plastic waste, leading to injury or death. Additionally, plastic fragments, known as microplastics, are ingested by smaller organisms and can bioaccumulate up the food chain, posing risks to human health.Coral reefs, often called the “rainforests of the sea,” are highly sensitive ecosystems that provide habitat for numerous marine species. Plastic pollution can smother coral reefs, blocking sunlight and inhibiting coral growth. Chemicals released by plastic degradation can also harm coral health, contributing to reef degradation and loss. There is no part of our planet that is unaffected by plastic menace.
Even after scientific studies that showed the presence of microplastics in human breast milk, neither our scientific community nor our political leaders seem to show concern about preventing it. Littering plastics also creates an impact on the lives of animals. We feel someone else will clean our waste, so it’s our right to litter wherever we go. It’s this attitude of humans that does so much harm to our planet. We need leaders who can change humans’ attitudes towards our planet.
In our country, the influence of political parties is so high that many blindly follow their leaders. It’s this attitude that one has to utilize to save the planet. The political parties can influence public opinion and behaviour through messaging and advocacy efforts. Parties that prioritize environmental issues and promote sustainable practices can help raise awareness about the harms of plastic pollution and encourage individuals and communities to take action. They should teach their followers to follow clean environmental practices in their party functions and their daily lives. In India, political parties have the power to shape policies and promote initiatives that influence people’s attitudes and behaviours toward plastics. So, they should take responsibility and lead from the forefront.
We don’t have decades to wait for the results. Already, the global temperature has reached its threshold. Any further increase may cause unforeseen consequences on the life on this planet. We need a political mindset to change our attitude towards plastics and the environment immediately. It will be good if we always remember that we don’t have a ‘planet B’ to sustain humanity.
(The author is an adjunct faculty at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore)

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