Low voter turnout, apathy a cause of concern

Omkar Dattatray

A low voter turnout is a serious cause of concern not only to the BJP but for the success of the democracy and electioneering as well .A low voter turnout so for in India’s long general election has rattled Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign managers ,raising into question whether his BJP and its allies can achieve the landslide victory predicted by the opinion polls just a month ago.The indifference and reluctance of the voters is a cause of concern and it is in no way hints towards the vibrancy and strength of the democracy .The lack of momentum, has been partly blamed on apathy among party workers believing victory is assured and seems to be prompted Modi to do correction by changing track in his campaign speeches to try to fire up the Hindu majority ,the party’s support base ,and get them out to voting stations .The last major opinion poll had predicted that the BJP and its allies could win three-fourths of parliament’s 543 seats at stake on the back of Modi’s popularity and the inauguration of a Hindu temple on a contested site in the Hindu majority country .At the last election in 2019 ,the BJP won 303 seats and its allies won around 50 seats .Its slogan before this year’s election began was ”Ab ki baar ,400 paar” or ”This time above 400.”More than half a dozen BJP leaders and political analysts are of the opinion that lack of momentum in the first two phases of the seven phase election have dampened hopes of a huge majority for the party ,although they said it was still likely to retain power in the world’s most populous nation .In the intricate dance of democracy that unfolded during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections the nation found itself enmeshed in the web of political fervor and the ebb of voter enthusiasm. Two phases have unfurled their banners ,revealing not just the numbers but pulse of the nation grappling with its political destiny .Amidst this symphony of democracy ,a discordant note emerged -the dwindling melody of voter engagement .The first phase witnessed a turnout of 65% ,a number that whispered some promise of civic duty fulfilled .Yet ,as the electoral saga unfolded further ,the second phase saw this enthusiasm wane ,dropping to a mere 64% .These numbers ,seemingly innocuous at the first glance ,bear the weight of India’s democratic narrative -both these numbers showed the trend of declining voter enthusiasm in the process as compared to previous elections .Peering into the heart of this statistical tale ,one finds a myriad of factors at play .Complex and intertwined ,these factors weave a tapestry of voter sentiment ,colored by socio-political currents and individual motivations .Yet ,.amidst this intricate tapestry lies a truth profound and impactful -the lower voter turnout ,a silent tremor that reverberates through the corridors of power. or the ruling National Democratic Alliance-NDA ,led by BJP ,this lower turnout presents a nuanced challenge. While it may hint at a certain complacency or contentment among supporters. ,it also underscores the need for sustained engagement and outreach .Conversely for the opposition’s INDIA bloc ,it beckons as a call to action ,a rallying cry amidst the quieter echoes of voter participation. In this delicate dance of democracy ,where numbers speak volumes and narratives intertwine, the low voter percentage emerges not just as a statistical anomaly but as a narrative thread that binds the political future of India .For in the ebb and flow of voter enthusiasm lies the heartbeat of a nations democratic spirit ,echoing across the political landscape .The voter turnout trends across the 2014,2019 and 2024 Lok Sabhas elections paint a dynamic picture of India’s electoral landscape .In 2014 ,enthusiasm soared to a historic high of 66.4% ,fueled by heightened awareness and evolving political narratives. This trend continued in 20129 ,with the first phase witnessing a notable 69.43% turnout and the second phase maintaining a robust 70.09%. ,the However 2024 elections ushered in a different narrative The first phase saw a dip to 65.5% ,followed by a further decline to around 64% in the second phase .The downward trajectory raises concerns about voter engagement and satisfaction with the prevailing political climate. Analyzing these numbers unveils a pattern of strong participation in the previous elections ,particularly peaking in the second phase of 2019.In the third phase of election ,the voter turnout further dipped to 62% and it is a cause of great concern. It points towards the fact that ECI and the government of the day should take steps to educate and motivate people to vote .Yet the current elections diverge from this trend ,signaling potential implications for political parties reliant on high voter turnout for success. Various factors contribute to this decline ,including external elements like the heatwave during election period which may have dissuaded some voters. Although India’s turnout remains respectable globally ,the shift from previous elections hints at a weak sentiment and engagement levels among voters ,casting a spotlight on the evolving dynamics of democracy in the nation .The primary factor contributing to the decreased voter turnout in 2024 LoK Sabha elections is the relentless heatwave sweeping across the country. This natural obstacle has made the act of voting ,which involves waiting in long queues under scorching sun ,a daunting challenge for many citizens .Coupled with this environmental deterrent is a growing sense of voter fatigue and dissatisfaction. The incessant campaigning ,characterized by polarizing narratives and a flood of promises ,may have left some voters feeling disillusioned. Another significant contributor to this low trend is the shifting dynamics within the electorate itself. There is a noticeable apathy among first -time voters ,a demographic crucial for injecting new vigour into the democratic process. Additionally ,the migrant population ,comprising a substantial portion of the electorate faces logistical hurdles that hinder their ability to participate in the electoral process .The political landscape has also played a role in dampening voter enthusiasm .To conclude it can be said that low voter turnout is a cause of concern to the political parties and the government and for removing the dissatisfaction ,there is great need for voter education .The voters should be encouraged to vote and the first timers should also be motivated to vote and all the voters should be made to appreciate that casting of vote is their civic duty and democracy enjoys upon them the right to vote and thus they should participate in this democratic exerciser to elect the government of their choice. The government should popularize SVEEP in the nook and corner of India so that the voters are educated and made aware about voting so that they take active part in voting.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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