Unconditional Love of Mother-a Universal Truth

Tara Chand Bhagat

Perhaps the physical presence of God was not possible everywhere because of which He created this idol Called ‘Mom’. She is the Goddess of multitasking,you say a thing or just give it a thought and She does that from cooking to earning and from pampering to scolding us for our wrongs. She plays her role with utmost love and deeper affection.
Mother is a quintessence of adore, bliss, sacrifice optimum,idealism, precision and fidelity for a child. A mother accepts a Child when child is nothing but a congealed mass of blood in her womb.She starts loving a child when he/she has not even developed heart-beat. Really Child-mother relation is heavenly.
The relationship of mother and child is the most beautiful and an inseparation bond that we have in this World.She is the first person who teaches us how to stand on our own feet independently by holding our hand and it is she who teaches us how to learn from our mistakes.
Mother is all and everything for a child to be grown at each and every stage through which a Child has to be passed hard difficulties. A child has to be dependent upon his or her motherhood’s unconditional love that is too boundary less and spreading in all directions.
Mother’s Day is not only celebrated nationally throughout the country with pump and show and enthusiastically but also a global event to be eleborated in every country or irrespective of any region of the world with their respective colourful manner and on its own customs and rituals.
In India in accordance with English Calendar ‘Mother’s Day’ is celebrated every year on Second Sunday of the month of May in almost all regions and in all states and Union Territories of our vast country with their respective cultures,languages, customs and rituals with deeper signs of love and affection showing towards the existence of motherhood.
In accordance with Hindu mythology,Hindus worship the divine mothers in many popular forms such as Durga,Mahakali,Luxumi Sarswati,Ambika,Uma Maa Shailputri, Maa Brahmcharini,Maa Chandrghanta,Maa Kushmanda,Maa Skandmata,Maa Katyani,Maa Kaalratri,Maa Gauri and Maa Sidhidatri.
Even Bishma Pitama had said in Mahabharata, “The mother is panacea for all kinds of calamities.” The existence of mother invests with protection,the reverse deprives one of all protections.Being a mother is no less than a miracle.
As per the philosophical views of the Quran about motherhood it has been expressed as follows: “We have enjoined on mankindness to his parents;in pain did his mother bear him and in pain did she give birth.”The Quran further says, “Worship Allah and join not any partner with Him’ and be kind to your parents.” Islam command ,kindness ,respect and obedience to his parents and specially emphasizes and give preference to mother.
Mother is the creator of our Universe or its existence.There are several relations in this mortal world but the relationship between a child and mother is very exceptional and of all relations the mother’s relationship with a child is quintessence and stands atop and is been compared to this ‘Mother Earth’ which is truly priceless in terms of countless love,dedication and devotion towards their family and that extraordinary relationship is none other than that of the mother.
This is the day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mother in their life and is observed as a day to give special emphasis to the motherly figures around the world.
Our religious scriptures make a commendable description about motherhood is as follows.
Yatra Naryastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devta.The meaning of above-mentioned Sanskrit’s beautiful lines is translated into English as under: Where women are worshipped, God resides there.So,great regards and respects are to be shown to the motherhood at all costs.As the tolerance of mother is been compared with the tolerance of mother earth. No other than creation’s status except motherhood’s tolerance is compared with that of the tolerance of mother earth.
The Status of no other creations in the Universe except mother’s status is compared with that of the status of Mother Earth. Words fail me to praise motherhood; even then I would like to praise motherhood in the following words:
Women are books,the arts and the academics that show contain and nourish the whole /entire World
.It is further added to the beauty of the Motherhood-in the following words: Wealth is similar to that of a girl who always needs special care of her parents because she is thing of piousness to protect. Home is better if mother is educated.Great men like Shivaji,Napoleon,Abraham Lincoln owed their greatness from their great mothers.
Film actor,Pankaj Udas had sung a song about praising Womanhood like this way:
EK Tuhi Dhanwan Hai Gori Baaki Sab Kangaal
You are the only wealthiest in the world,rest are unwealthy.
A mother is the ‘Supreme Treasure’ of affection Solace,Sympathy and pleasure in a family to regulate it with great care,good caution and unlimited cheer and happiness as she is the best maker and all time caretaker of her young ones.
The more little ones’ little hands touches here body,the more,the mother extends her more love and affection. Similar such affection and unconditional love is also found or seen in all the species be they the Birds or Mammals etc. there is a living and glaring manifestations of motherly affection towards their young ones which again reflects ,illustrates or narrates rather defines the high and sacred status of a mother and her pure love so supreme and so sweet.
Our great Saints,Gurus, Darveshs, Rishies, prophets all have had the care, affection and blessings of their mothers to mould them as what they had been or what they are for the mankind to show the true path, as a gift of their mothers.
A mother is mother from the beginning to the end without any bend or twist in the line of her affection.Thus a mother is a unique heavenly boon to every living being whatever he be and Wherever he be,to nourish him and to cherish trim,to nurture him,Culture him,to roost him and to boost him, to guide him and Side him towards better ideas and values so long as she survives.
All of us be it scientists she is always there to take care of well-being and all round welfare,cheer and happiness in true spirit and with unconditional love.All of us be it great scientists, leaders, pleaders, doctors, engineers, architects, statesmen,warriors,mart-yrs, sportsmen,space,land or sea masters or a man or woman anywhere in any capacity have had the warmth of the lap of mother with suckling and fondling and overall care from our infancy till the mother lived for our well-being and betterment which none of us can afford to deny.
In a nutshell,there is none else like mother Please worship her too,because :- A mother mothers us in all the weathers. Be it hot, or biting cold, be it stress or be it strain, be it scorching or be it rain, be it tonight or be dark, be dawn or be dusk, be it day or be it night, be it rough or be it fair, be it woe or be it cheer.

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