Bhagat Singh Park pleads for maintenance

We want to draw the attention of the District Administration Udhampur towards the dilapidated condition of Shahid Bhagat Singh Park located in the heart of the city.
This park is frequented by morning and evening walkers daily. This also serves as recreation park for children. People also visit this park to get destressed here. Since the park is not maintained on daily basis, it presents a pathetic picture. One feels quite disheartened on visiting here. All around there is desolation. The swings and slides which usually attract children are broken, and can cause injuries to them. The lighting system is dysfunctional and park reels under darkness during night hours.
Benches have been uprooted. The pavement tiles are broken and need to be replaced by new ones.
It is therefore requested that this park be given a face-lift without further delay.
K. Kumar

Marchola-Thandapani road needs urgent repairs
It is tragedy of the system of governance that rural sector generally remains neglected. As a result, even basic human needs remain undelivered to the masses. The road under reference is awefully broken at several places. The deep pits it contains are extremely troublesome and create accidental scenarios. Travelling on unsafe and ill-maintained roads is always dangerous. It goes without saying that not much time passed, the road was completely repaired, but compromised construction, as presumed, has caused its an early dilapidation. The authorities concerned are requested to kindly visit the road themselves and do the needful on priority, as the ensuing rainy season would further worsen its condition.
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)

Water scarcity hits Anand Nagar
We the inhabitants of Lane 1, Anand Nagar Bohri want to inform the concerned officials about the shortage of drinking water in this summer season.
The water scarcity has hit the residents terribly at a time when mercury is soaring rapidly. The water supply is quite erratic. There is no fixed time schedule for supplying water. It is supplied on whims and fancies of the officials. As a result, people are forced to purchase it from private tankers at an exorbitant price which everybody cannot afford easily.
We request the authorities to augment water supply so as to ease the situation. It may not be out of context to mention here that shortage of water is causing great inconvenience to the residents.
M K Pandita
Lane-1 Anand Nagar, Bohri

Open loot by Railway car parking contractor
I want to inform you that the contractor agency of private car parking inside Jammu Railway Station is charging parking fees from private vehicles for even crossing through the parking gate for dropping their relatives. The police security naka doesn’t allow any vehicle to pass via direct road outside actual dropping site of railway station, and force the vehicles to go through private parking road only. This suggests they are also hand-in-glove with the parking scamsters. As I questioned them, they misbehaved saying even if your car has to enter or pass the gate, we will charge full parking fees(even without parking). They are not afraid of law of the land or even Government. Being a law-abiding citizen of our Jammu city, I am hoping our JKUT Government will take strict action against the culprit parking contractor agency and cancel their contract.
Dr Rahul Gorka

Construct speed breakers
The District Doda, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Jammu and Kashmir, boasts of natural beauty intertwined with a rich cultural heritage. However, amidst this serenity lie the roads which are a hotspot for accidents and near-misses. The Gosti- Panshyai- Bhella-Karara road recently being blacktopped is naturally and topographically a steep incline with many a perilous stretch which may claim numerous lives and cause severe injuries if speed breakers and crash barriers are not erected in time. Recently an accident near Karara serves as a grim reminder of the urgent need for safety measures to be implemented. The engineering wing of District Doda plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents and commuters. It is imperative that immediate action be taken to address the dangers posed on Gosti- Panshyai-Bhella- Karara road. The steep gradient of the Panshyai-Bhella road makes it susceptible to accidents leading to disastrous consequences. The recent accident near Karara is a stark example of the ongoing dangers faced by commuters. Installing speed breakers will help in controlling the speed of vehicles, reducing the risk of collisions as well as accidents. Additionally, crash barriers will provide a protective barrier, preventing vehicles from veering of the road. In light of these compelling reasons, it is imperative for the engineering wing of District Doda to take proactive steps by erecting speed breakers as the work of blacktopping is in progress. By prioritizing the installation of speed breakers and crash barriers on Panshyai Bhella road, we can mitigate the dangers and pave the way for safer journeys for all.
The District Development Commissioner is requested to look into the matter at the earliest.
Satish Singh Manhas

Plea to PDD authorities
During last 2 decades Jammuites have witnessed numerous reforms in power distribution system on the pretext of overcoming huge losses in revenue collection. In order to reduce pilferage losses, the meters installed at every household have been changed around 3-4 times. Latest in the series was installation of smart meters and manual bill distribution statement was replaced by PDD Deptt to Bill Sahuliyat app. But unfortunately within one year the said app developed some snag and wrong outstanding dues were visible on app even after clearing payment dues. Accordingly a lot of resentment was witnessed among residents who after repeated personal complaints in concerned maintenance divisions were advised to process payment of dues through B S Smart app. Thanks God some relief was witnessed in using BS Smart app during last six months or so. But unfortunately since March 2024, the said app has became ineffective neither showing reading nor outstanding dues which in turn may cause inconvenience to users by facing disconnection of their legal connections.
I would like to draw attention of concerned authorities of PDD Deptt to this issue and request to rectify the system to avoid any inconvenience of consumers in future. Better if manual bill distribution and payment of outstanding dues through concerned J&K Bank Branches parallel to the system of BS Smart app be continued till a period of atleast one year so that 100 percent public is educated to use BS Smart.
Ashok Kumar Gandotra
Shiv Nagar, Jammu

Start e-bus service from Swarn Vihar
Govt has undertaken an outstanding step in the direction of launching e-buses in the UT of J&K. These e-buses connect remote areas in Jammu & Kashmir. They have made travelling comfortable and cheap. People in general commend the present dispensation in the launching of e-buses scheme. Here it is pertinent to mention that this scheme needs upgradation for the welfare of the people. We observe that this scheme does not cover the interior areas of the Jammu city. For example Swarn Vihar is an interior area of Jammu city where there is no travelling facility available to the people of the area. They have to walk two kms on foot to catch the bus or matador. The school going children and old people suffer day in and dayout.
In the hot summer the situation becomes worst in meeting the problem. People of the area have time and again raised the issue before the Govt in this connection but in action nothing has been done in this direction so far. We once again draw the attention of the Govt towards this grave issue and hope that e-bus will be launched from Swarn Vihar to Parade via Dogra Nagar/Durga Nagar keeping in view the welfare of the people residing in this neglected area so far. Hope for suitable action in the matter in order to ease the situation that people face today.
S N Raina

The post Bhagat Singh Park pleads for maintenance appeared first on Daily Excelsior.

Action please