KB Razdan’s creative compendium

O P Sharma
Name of the book : Blossoming Buds: An Anthology of Poems.
Author : Dr. Kulbhushan Razdan
Publisher : Global Fraternity of Poets, Gurugram
Year : January, 2024
Pages: 102
Price: Rs 300

“Blossoming Buds” a collection of poems in English penned by Dr. K.B.Razdan’, a former HoD, English, Jammu University, is his third poetic anthology. His previous two publications: “Halcyonic Bubbles” and “Calliope’s Leaves” have already made a mark as flight of imagination and creativity.
In this book, Dr Lalit Mohan Sharma has observed:”Contemporary conflicts and questions as mirrored in myths, morph into the sequence of mosaics, a fiesta for the erudite, and yet an enchanting pageant for common readers of poetry”. The anthology also reflects the poet’s range of imagination and his poetic plasma, well expressed in poems like “A rendezvous with Khalil Gibran”; “The truth of the Forbidden Fruit; “An Ode to the Mind”, and other poems catering to an identical kind of diction which simply arrests and encapsulates the reader’s mind and psyche.
Literary Work
It may be mentioned that Dr Razdan’s poetic diction in “Blooming Buds”, brings about a Kaleidoscopic fusion of modernity and antiquity, a fact clearly envisioned and reflected in the poetic drama: “Hero and Leader”, though in other poems also, the myth-making style plays a pivotal role in laying bare to the reader, the essential deconstructing and disturbing realities of current times.
In the ‘Foreword’ Dr. Lalit Mohan Sharma, himself a famed poet, academician and translator, has good word for the poetic compositions of Dr Razdans in this book including : “Juliet’s Balconies”, “Jernail, A poet”, “Soliloquy of a Rose”, “Soliloquy of a Honey Bee”. These poems have the imposing fascination of a mural riveting a mind with its details. How scathing, bitter, and satiric like Jonathan Swift, can Razdan be, is amply proved by such terms as “Leeches” and “Squids” among humans these days ! ”
Dr Razdan’s prismatic poetic proclivity can be seen in the poem “Love Quakes”: When the Heart decides, The Mind out of etiquette does not object. A high intensity love quake reduces to shambles, all reason, every logic , history furnishing examples”. Dr. Lalit Mohan concludes:” a word on the time the reader could travel, buds have been blossoming since times immemorial, you will read of Adam’s Failures and Quixotic Redemptions, Krishna the Butter Thief and of Trojan Horse as a many tiered metaphor, Turkish Earthquake and Ukraine War”.
Pleasing Poetry
Dr. V. Selvin, a reputed academician from Tamil Nadu, calls, defines and analyses “Blossoming Buds” as “unique in mixing ancient mythology and current happenings in the world” to the extent of blurring the ancient and the post modern sensibilities of man who has never changed his desire to fulfill the phantasies of his /her own self in a selfish way. The sprinkling of the mythic elements is so intense that it calls for close reading because of its mythological fabric, literary allusions and current happenings of the world”. Dr. Selvin’s words reaffirm the dexterity, the felicitous ease with which Dr. Razdan’s poetic prism adds “a bit of spice” to make the “Brew” more palatable for readers from across the “Meadows”, “Plateaus”, and “Mounts” of life and living.
The poet Razdan’s very brief Preface to “Blossoming Buds”, titled as ” Few Words” opines, this poetry of poems can be defined, analyzed and critically categorized as a Creative Mirror reflecting Myriad colours of poesy emanating across the welkin of the poet’s mind. The sixty-five poems, together, comprise a creative compendium which akin to the rising sun, scatters multi-colored prismatic “rays” to illumine, inundate and bemuse the reader’s mind, in ways overwhelming as well as illuminating.

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