CEC Kargil chairs meeting on Revised Draft of Ladakh Sustainable Policy, Industrial Land Allotment Policy

Kargil, June 26, 2024: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Dr Mohd Jaffer Akhoon today chaired a meeting regarding Revised Draft of Procedural Guidelines for Ladakh Sustainable Policy 2022-2027 and Ladakh Industrial Land Allotment Policy 2023 at Conference Hall Council Secretariat.


The meeting was attended by Executive Councilor, Revenue, Kacho Mohd Feroz; Executive Councilor, RDD Er Phuchok Tashi; Executive Councilor, School Education, Zakir Hussain; Former CEC Feroz Ahmed Khan; Councilors of LAHDC, Kargil; General Manager Industries and Commerce besides other stakeholders were present during the meeting.


The meeting discussed registration of units for incentives, procedures for sanctioning/granting of incentives, category wise procedure for sanction of various incentives, subsidy towards the cost of detailed project reports, subsidy towards stamp duty registration fee, transport subsidy, assistance to encourage green energy, waste-water recycling, pollution control, and various other components of the draft were discussed in detail.


The CEC directed the concerned officers that the guidelines of the draft should be people friendly so that beneficiaries should not suffer while going through the procedure for availing any benefits of the various schemes.


CEC Kargil also directed General Manager Industries and Commerce to incorporate the suggestions in the modalities of the guidelines recommended during the meeting which mainly includes flexibility of hiring of empanelled Chartered Accountant (CA) from J&K and UT Ladakh wetting of project from the concerned departmental heads, subsidy in raw material for transportation in import and export by road and by air, increment of subsidy in green energy from 50 to 75%, elevating the number of upper limit sealing/cap from most of the components, also the authority for the identification of beneficiaries from the under privileged section of the society should be under CEC, LAHDC, Kargil and other suggestions which came up during the meeting.


Regarding Ladakh Industrial Land Allotment Policy, the CEC Kargil along with the Councilors from respective constituencies rejected Industrial Land Allotment Policy of UT Ladakh.


The CEC said the policy directly contradicts the LAHDC Act under Section 23 & 42 which categorically states that the power of allotment of land rests with the Hill Councils of both the LAHDC s of Ladakh.


CEC Kargil also said that keeping in view of the fragile ecology of Ladakh, establishment of big industries will not be allowed, he also said that only small and micro industry units will be allowed to setup with preference to local people of Ladakh.


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