A thought provoking collection of Dogri poetry

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
When we talk of our cultural existence then it’s obvious that the focal point has to be and is mother tongue Dogri. It is pertinent to add here that our dogri literature is quite rich having all those values and an extra factor that is significant to mark a distinct identity in literature. Now, in order to enrich mother tongue so many litterateurs have been contributing in all genres thus helping the regional language to stand at par with other regional languages of the country. One of those littérateurs, who is a silent worker and prefers to concentrate on her work only is Usha Kiran ‘Kiran’.
About Author:
Usha Kiran ‘Kiran’ has been writing in dogri language for the last so many years now. She was born at Katra in the family of Late Kedar Nath Sanmotra and Krishna Sharma. She retired as Manager, FCI Jammu. She has a passion for mother tongue and took it her duty to contribute through her immense potential as a poetess. She has written seven books prior to this one which include Ghar Aa Mittra, Heekhiyen Di Bulbul, Sanjha Intzaren Diyan, Tere Oune Sha Pehle, Patjhad Da Ant, Oh Hun Abla Nei, Jamana Badli Geda Ae. All these collections have been well received by literature lovers and critics even and have helped her in carving a niche in literary arena. IKKLE CHALNE DA DUM RAKHNE AAN is her eighth collection. She has written many songs for Aakashwani Jammu and other channels which are very popular and the response of poetry lovers that she elicits in Kavi Goshthis organized by J & K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages and other literary and art organizations speaks volumes about her immense talent and presentation. She is one of the finest poetess of Dogri language.
About Book:
‘Ikkle Chalne Da Dum Rakhne Aan’ is a beautiful collection of dogri poetry in which the poetess Usha Kiran ‘Kiran’ has justified her nick name ‘Kiran’ thus throwing a ray of light on various issues being faced by mankind particularly women folk. The book contains 77 poems, bhajans and lyrics and covers all aspects of life. The contents therein advocate the sufferings of women, importance of nature, solace from religious connection and inherited belongings of family values, birds and animals that make the planet Earth an ideal place to live in, necessity of common efforts to preserve and promote our mother tongue, pride feelings for rich language, cultural traditions and heritage. She has used variety of such words in her creative works that proves her very rich vocabulary and this collection like her earlier works is in fact a document to preserve and promote the dying typical dogri words not only from our conversations but from our literature also. These words are in fact the soul of our Duggar life and should reflect in literature because literature is knitted through words and if the words represent the region then the literature becomes even more authentic and real having solid connection to the roots. The 160 pages collection of poetry has been published by Highbrow Publications. The title page is quite attractive and symbolic pointing out towards what’s stored in the book thus justifying the title ‘Ikkle Chalne Da Dum Rakhne Aan’.
Usha Kiran ‘Kiran’ says in the preface of the book that she wished to publish her eighth collection with the sole purpose of just compiling the scattered pages wherein she had penned down her feelings in the form of words and contribute to already rich dogri literature. She has dedicated this book in the everlasting memories of her father Late Kedar Nath Sanmotra and eminent dogri poet and writer Gianeshwar. She is indebted to many litterateurs who have always inspired her to move ahead in literary field but has special gratitude for Dr. Om Goswami and Sham Lal Raina. Padmashri Padma Sachdev, Padmashri Prof. Ram Nath Shastri and Ved Rahi are her role models. She feels that all writers are a family and she feels blessed to be a member of the family.
If one wants to read Dogri poetry with a real flavor of Dogri words then this collection of poetry is recommended. It is in fact a journey through our past where the reader encounters such traditions that had been a part and parcel of our Duggar life. Ironically, time has overshadowed them. It’s an emotional journey that every Dogra will enjoy with a feel for strong bond to belongings, roots which account for his or her existence as a Dogra. We need to retrospect, otherwise we will be lost as a community and will face identity crisis. The book takes us back to our roots thus fulfilling the moral obligation of the poetess also. I think every creative person has a duty to perform and that is to quench thirst for art by becoming a torch bearer of a movement meant to preserve and promote regional language and cultural traditions. Usha Kiran ‘Kiran’ has succeeded in it by enriching rich Dogri literature with yet another contribution in the form of ‘Ikkle Chalne Da Dum Rakhne Aan’. Let others also join the journey and help for a cause, common to all of us.


Book Name : Ikkle Chalne Da Dum Rakhne Aan
Author: 160
Pages: Highbrow Publications, Bari Brahmana, Jammu Publisher
Cost : Rs 400

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