Birth anniversary of Bhagwan Gopinath Ji

Omkar Dattatray

Let me commence this write up with the important quote of the great saint Bhagwan Gopinath Ji which reads as-Syazar, Pazar, Shvazar that is one should cultivate and preserve the three virtues of righteous moral conduct, such as straight forwardness, honesty and purity in thought, word and deed. The birth anniversary of Bhagwan Gopinath Ji falls on the second fortnight of Dawadashi tithi of Ashad Month& this year it is 18 July 2024.This day is celebrated with great reverence and enthusiasm by his devotes and followers .The birth day of the great mystic saint of Kashmir is celebrated in his many Ashrams situated in Kashmir ,Jammu ,Delhi and other places with great devotion and pomp and show. Bhagwaan Ji was born on 3rd July 1898 and was born as Gopinath Bhan, also called Bhagwaan Gopinath Ji. He was born in a Kashmiri Hindu/KP family of Bhans, in a locality known as Bhan Mohalla, in the city of Srinagar in Kashmir, on Friday 3 July 1898, which corresponds to Ashad, Shuklpaksh, Dvadashi {Ashada 19th, Vikrami 1955} as per Hindu lunar calendar. His grandfather, Pandit Lachhman Joo Bhan was a Wazir Wazarat {Deputy Commissioner} of revenue department in the Dogra regime of then princely state of J&K .His father’s name is Pandit Narayan Joo Bhan & his mother’s name is Haar Maal .He was a mystic saint of early 20th century Kashmir ,India .He has been called a Jivanmukta { liberated soul} and his spiritual state has been described as Shambhavi avastha-state of Shiva .Contemporary saints of his times have also called him an Aghoreshwar .It was sometime during 1946-1956 that he came to be called as Bhagwan by his devotees and followers. This saint is famous in this name .It is not known who his spiritual Guru was ,he is known to have remarked that one should consider Bhagvad Gita as one’s spiritual master .In his teachings ,he regarded the practice of ”self-enquiry”{atma vichara } as highly effective in helping a seeker attain self -realization .He considered ego as impediments in one’s spiritual development and extolled the virtues of honesty and truthfulness .Ghagwan Ji did not make any difference between Hindu’s and Muslim’s and regarded them to be one and same .He spent much time in meditating at various shrines in Kashmir as he regarded it spiritually beneficial and would recommend same to spiritual seekers .Although his family tried to persuade him to get married and start worldly life. .But he chose to live a life of celibacy and he did his spiritual practices ,all the while living at various localities of Srinagar in Kashmir .It is said that Bhagwan Gopinath was an introvert and was a man of few words and had a straightforward demeanor .He is known to have always shunned publicity and covered himself with anonymity. Therefore ,various religious commentators along with his devotees have found it difficult to classify his spiritual journey into a particular school of Indian philosophical thought .Still it is widely held view that Ghagwan Ji must have followed the tenets of trika doctrine of advaita -non dual Kashmir Shaivism .Bhagwan Gopinath never taught in a formal way. However ,he would, from time to time, make statement either in response to questions of devotees ,or on his own while being amongst them. On 18th July Thursday 2024 his 126th birth anniversary is being celebrated across the country in the Ashrams located in various cities of India ,besides Jammu. On this auspicious occasion Havan is being solemnized in his Kharyar Ashram Habbhakadal Srinagar and similarly havans ,puja ,Aarthi etc is being organized in the Bhagwan ji Ashram Udhaywala Jammu ,Amar Colony Gole Gujral, Delhi and other cities in India and at some places abroad. Birth anniversary of this Saint is being celebrated in his Ashram at Switzerland .He is also known as Gop-Bab or Tathi Bab by his devotees and followers. His birth anniversary is being celebrated by his followers ,devotees and the general public with great devotion and zeal in various cities of the country .Usually a Hawan is solemnized at all his Ashrams within the country and abroad and Puja Archna ,as well as the cultural programmes are also organized on this occasion .Light is also thrown on the teachings of the great Saint so that people are made aware about his preaching’s and teachings .At the Jammu Ashram of the great saint ,large number of his devotees ,followers and the common people take part in the birth day celebrations .Cultural events are organized and debates ,competitions are also held to celebrate his birth anniversary and the winners are given gifts .On this auspicious occasion people remember this saint and offer prayers to him and seek blessings from the great guru..The devotees and the people are served with Prasad after the Puranahuti of the Havan..There remains much rush of devotees and there is usually much hustle and bustle on the birth anniversary of this saint .This people partake the Prasad and consider themselves fortunate enough to have taken Prasad and it is widely held view that many aliments are cured by the ashes of doop in the Ashrams of Bhagwan Ji .Book exhibitions are also held on this occasion and books on the life and teachings of this saint are displayed on this occasion .People have great faith in this saint and it is believed that the people’s wants are fulfilled by paying a visit to his Ashram and by remembering him and offering flowers and fruits to him .Usually in his Ashrams ,people offer yellow rice preparation called in Kashmiri as Thar. People have great faith in the saint and they believe that by praying him ,all worldly desires are fulfilled. The great saint got nirvana and became one with God on May 28,1968 at the age of only 69 on Jyeshta Shukalpaksh ,Dvitiya at Chandpora in Srinagar and the people including his devotees grieved over it .Let me conclude this write up by paying glowing tributes to the great saint. It is a miracle and it is by now an open secret and a matter of common knowledge that the officers and personnel of the Indian Army who had never even heard of him ,saw Bhagwan Gopinath Ji at the front during Kargil conflict with Pakistan Army ,guiding them during the operations .Such is the greatness of this saint.It is also believed by his devotees that Bhagwan Ji performed many miracles during his life .May the great Saint remove all obstacles in the peace and tranquility and bring normalcy to Jammu and Kashmir and may this saint bring peace ,prosperity to J&K and remove all obstacles bringing normalcy to militancy ravaged Jammu and Kashmir .We pray for the peace and happiness of the humanity on the birth anniversary of Saint Gopinath Ji .May he illumine our lives with his grace and blerssings .Many many salutations to this great saint. Let us continue to celebrate the birth anniversary of saint Gopinath Ji in future as well with the devotion and dedication.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

Editorial editorial article