Plea to extend summer vacations

Dear editor
The Jammu city at present is still reeling under extreme heat wave conditions and it is expected that temperature will remain hot and humid in the coming days. The govt. and private schools are reopening in coming week with physical classes starting from July, 16 but the weather conditions are not favourable for the school going childrens due to prevailing heat and humid conditions. Thus with the opening of schools the students may face very tough times as many schools lack adequate cooling facilities, turning them into oppressive environments that will pose significant health risks such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat strokes. It is pertinent to mention here that the health and safety of school children should be of paramount importance and thus Immediate action is crucial to prevent further risk of heat-related illnesses and to ensure the overall well-being of the school community. However, various parent and teacher associations have already urged the government to extend summer vacations for few more days till monsoon becomes active in Jammu. It would be in the fitness of things that the authorities at the helm of affairs must review their earlier order of vacations and further extend summer vacations so as to protect children, parents and educational staff from hazardous weather conditions.
Vivek Koul

Letters to Editor