Naghma, Businesswoman
Each year, with the introduction of the budget, people’s expectations also skyrocket, anticipating welfare and prosperity. This year’s budget has somewhat met those expectations, with simplified loan processes and the numerous schemes to empower local businesses. If, I talk with regard to women and their interests- yes, the prices of gold and silver have been reduced but still these developments seem irrelevant in the current scenario of rampant inflation. When a common man struggles to afford basic commodities like vegetables for daily use, the reduced prices of jewels hold no significance.

Harsh Sharma, Student
First of all, I extend a hearty welcome to this year’s budget. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, has done a commendable job in taking care of the interests of all the segments of the society. As a student, I am highly optimistic about this year’s agenda. I feel, this budget will prove beneficial for all of us. Finally, some significant steps have been taken to tackle the pressing issue of unemployment and I am eagerly looking forward to this new era of change that our country is poised to witness.

Asha Gupta, Teacher
I view this year’s budget as a catalyst for development in India. I am very satisfied with the schemes and proposals outlined in the budget, especially its emphasis on the welfare and empowerment of women, children and youth. One such praiseworthy achievement is the notable reduction in the prices of cancer medications, a great relief for patients suffering from the fatal disease. The budget has also introduced various impactful schemes like ‘Anmol Yojana’ etc in J&K. A lot of emphasis has been put on dealing with the challenges of unemployment. Hence, I believe this year’s budget is well-equipped on the face of the rising economic inflation.

Sudarshan Dogra, Student
I think that after a long time, the budget has been made with genuine consideration for the general public, catering to their issues and demands, while giving greater importance to the future nation builders- our youth.
With the introduction of internship opportunities and stipends, now, even the underprivileged students can be nurtured into skilful assets for the nation and its development.

Sahil Thakur, Student
Lately, Jammu and the nation as a whole have experienced a huge surge in the number of terror attacks, posing threats to nation’s sovereignty and security. In this context, the government’s decision to allocate substantial amounts of capital to the defense sector is a very wise call that deserves appreciation. I think, with improved training and investments on infrastructure and better equipments, the security forces would be greatly benefitted.

Pawan Gupta, Trader
The budget has been mindful of everyone, with a keen focus on income tax across India, but unfortunately, relief seems elusive. In our country, inflation is also quite high. The government should have reduced the prices of LPG, petrol, and diesel, but that hasn’t happened. Our Government had already provided the funding for the Amarnath Yatra, which I really appreciate. However, this time, the old budget has been repeated once again.