Dr. Gopal Parthasarthi Sharma
Come elections and there we have yet another season of political enlightenment with political flip-floppers putting the craftiest chameleons to shame. Shunning ‘Naya Kashmir’ while embracing ‘Greater Autonomy’, from Muslim sub-nationalism to Ram Rajya, great transformation from being votaries of Article 370 and 35A to justifiers of its abrogation, supporters of talks with Pakistan to reclaiming POJK and vice versa. Shamelessly mincing their own words, retracting earlier controversial statements, politicians are switching their ideologies as they take refuge in diametrically opposite political camps. So many people getting political enlightenments overnight, isn’t it amazing? Let’s welcome election season 2024 just like any other election in the country that is devoid of concerns for public good, the only driving force being winning at any cost. Manifestos seem to have been lost in this cacophony around political realignments as media keep on declaring wholesale defections.
This shameless phenomenon of switching loyalties is nothing new for the electorate but its ever increasing frequency during allotment of party tickets is threatening for the democratic institutions triggering widespread disillusionment. Unless there is a proper law to curb this tendency, it will keep on shattering the voter confidence in democracy and the integrity of those in public life. There was time when defectors had to face a hostile media, unforgiving public and a conscience to answer but now it seems so routine and normal that everyone seems unperturbed by the turn of events.
Driven by the possibility of a particular political outfit forming the Government, politicians are abandoning their parties as well as their ideologies just to remain relevant to the changed political landscape. For them political ideology is just like a dress that has to be changed after certain time. They have scant respect for their supporters as they know it very well that while they will lose some supporters and at the same gain new ones as it a zero sum game. It’s quite curious that none is questioning the election manifestos; none is fighting for inclusion of welfare projects for the marginalised sections. Who is interested in public welfare in this high voltage political landscape?
People do undergo ideological shifts as they review their idea of politics and being mature over a period of time. This is once in a life-time occasion and there is nothing bad in it but such an act on the eve of elections is neither justified nor acceptable to the masses who support such leaders. Voters look at these illogical shifts with scepticism as they know very well that these shifts are nothing but an act of political survival to satiate political lust.
Behaving like career-oriented corporate sector employees driven by higher positions and more lucrative packages, majority of the politicians have ceased to be ideology-driven. Politicians, with an eye to occupy higher offices, ministerial berths, or other personal gains, often resort to party switching. Ask them about the party history, ideology or policy or programs they are bound to draw a blank. Once they are convinced of not getting party mandate from their area they look for other political outfits without any concern for the ideology they have been supposedly pursuing for years. There is yet another recent phenomenon of joining the ruling outfit for securing oneself against possible legal action for past blunders and corrupt practices.
Factionalism in political parties is yet another reason for party hopping as many genuine leaders feel sidelined by the dominant factions and are forced to look for other options. The opponents keep an eye on such situations while smarter politicians keep their lines open across parties to make necessary shift as and when required.
Why only blame individual politicians for being turncoats? Political parties are equally responsible as they keep their ideologies on back burners during the election times as winning elections is more important than following their ideological paths. They don’t mind giving mandate to the defectors from other parties. Quite shamelessly they accept the same people whom they have been criticising for corruption, communalism, nepotism, and even anti-nationalism. All these things are overlooked just in case the defector has the potential for winning a seat for the new party. Parties know well that grass root workers being emotionally attached to the party will keep on supporting them as they, having short memory, will forget the misdoings of preferring defectors over loyalists. With this assumption in mind, parties poach leaders from other parties while keeping their flock together by emotionally exploiting their cadre.
Such frequent political realignments do have their toll in the form of shaken voter trust in the democracy. Unprincipled switches in pursuit of political lust certainly wean away the common masses, especially younger voters, from the democratic processes as they perceive it as a blatant betrayal. This also leads to political instability as any combination may appear in post-election scenario leading to frequent policy changes and a system without any forward looking plan. It makes government more tentative lacking conviction leading to lesser efficiency and effectiveness.
Parties also face ideological bankruptcy when they become a motley group of defectors with varied ideologies, rather, no ideology except for a common lust for power. Under such circumstances different political parties tend to become identical making it difficult for the common voters to decide as to who can best represent the political ethos of the time. With the rise of coalition politics in country since 1990s the defection business has been promoted by all the political parties. In the past majority of such defectors not only got party tickets but also achieved electoral success, however, during 2024 parliamentary elections and even during recent bypolls majority of such defectors have not only lost elections but also created problems for the new hosts.
Voters must understand that these leaders have nothing in their hearts for social cause or development; they are simply playing these games to secure political power for themselves and their families. If these leaders are not loyal to their parent organizations and their respective ideologies that they have been preaching for decades what a common voter can expect from them?
Gautam Budhha, Mahavira got enlightened just once and they are still celebrated across the globe while our politicians, quite interestingly, get enlightened every election and are losing respect among electorate. Their ingenious ability to adapt to newer ideologies and enlightenments is remarkable. Hope these highly and frequently enlightened politicians are held accountable by the intelligent voters.
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