In this world big and vast
Where life runs so fast
Where mysterious paths often unfold
Which bear with them, stories untold
Where to venture to find solace ?
For slowing down the life’s pace!
Where is calmed the turbulent soul!
Where earth meets universe whole
Where the brooks flow untamed
And none for intrusion is blamed
Or should I go into the forests, deep?
Where slender vines so deeply creep
Or should I visit the arduous peaks?
Where Divinity,in whispers, speaks!
Or will a cave be a perfect choice?
Where meditated the saints,wise
Or Should I fly on cloud’s wings?
Where thunder,in melody,sings!
But why shouldn’t I stay put at my own abode
Where tons of selfless love, doth daily unload!
Ashok Sharma



The Kohinoor of India

Today, the eyes of millions weep,
For a precious soul, now at peace, asleep.
In Mother India’s arms, you rest,
A gem so pure, among the best.
No blood was shared, no bond was made,
Yet in our hearts, a sorrow stayed.
No friendship deep, no ties were crossed,
But with your passing, we feel the loss.
A heart so kind, a soul so rare,
It’s no surprise that we all care.
Though death comes calling for every man,
Few lived with purpose, as you began.
You knew that life, in all its grace,
Is but a moment, a fleeting space.
You taught us all that what remains,
Is not the wealth, nor fleeting gains.
But the deeds we do, the hearts we touch,
And karma’s path we cherish so much.
A patriot with a golden heart,
Your vision gave this land its start.
You built with love, with selfless might,
And lit the world with your guiding light.
The Kohinoor of India, shining so bright,
A hope in darkness, in the deepest night.
A gem whose worth no words can hold,
A spirit like yours, forever bold.
Not just your wealth, but your humility,
Not just your power, but your sincerity.
Your smile, your life, so pure and clear,
No need for fame, no mask to wear.
Your presence spoke without grand show,
A silent force that helped us grow.
Your deeds, your love, will always remain,
A legacy untouched by time or gain.
No need for protocol, no need for fame,
In simple acts, you earned your name.
In every heart, in every mind,
Your essence lingers, pure and kind.
The world is poorer, for you are gone,
But your spirit, your light, will carry on.
Good deeds, true heart-these were your way,
In hearts you’ll live, forever to stay.
So farewell, dear soul, our nation’s pride,
In every tear, your memory will reside.
The Kohinoor of India, a gem so true,
This country will never forget you.
Dr. Daisy Parihar

The post WHERE TO GO! appeared first on Daily Excelsior.

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