SHEERISM: 21ST Century God & practices to save planet beyond UN 17 SDGs

SHEERISM is the New Way of Life promoting the theme- ‘World is One- Live the journey purposefully;(a) DNA, the God of Living World, (b) Nature Centric the Godly Practices & (c) Make UN a Grand Success.’
This new ideology herein is being presented as an Education Toolkit to be internationalized from dais of UN to Public Institutions including religious ones by Dr Kuldeep Singh Former NSS PO, GGM Science College Jammu, and President ‘SHEER – Global Voice, Jammu’. A book IIP titled “SHEERISM, 21st Century God and Practices to save Planet beyond UN 17 SDGs” was published in September 2024 from Karnataka which was presented before two world Forms ‘The United Nations and World Religious Parliament’. This nonfiction concept developed by practically working over years by the author far beyond any hypothesis and practically based upon convergence of Constitution, Technology, Spirituality and Science (CTS2)and contribute significantly towards the global efforts for peace, sustainability and harmony. Author is right to declare the S&T investigated DNA the universal, God bestowed to the entire living world.

It is fully capable, -to generate life, -to operate life and -finally maturity & the demise of life. As regards the mandatory Godly practices, these are the SHEER’s 2011 broad spectrum 4 SDGs combined with 2015 UN 17 SDGs. Author humbly submits to put the matter for open discussion collaborating by both august forums the UN and the World Religious Parliament and its further internalization accordingly. No other task is more important than saving the planet. Author is Looking forward for appropriate action and response from the concerned quarters.

The only Earth Planet supporting life is in dangers. The reason are enormous like pollutions being pumped into the natural systems and world populations pushed into micro-divides both religiously & politically, and the result there are constant conflicts, violence & wars using more deadly weapons never before. World Religious Parliament meets on third Sunday of January every year. UN holds Annual Meets for shaping the right environments. All these efforts being employed world over are falling short and failing to save planet. God is only one. He has bestowed everything on planet. He has kept nothing hidden with Him. God is represented by self-regulating natural technological systems operating in cyclic fashion in relation to life. Thus, SHEERISM seems to be the hope and practical solution. SHEERISM says, God of living world is within and it is the DNA. DNA the Universal God Energy was announced from Press Club Jammu on 20th December 2015 and message disseminated through New Year Greeting (NYG-2016).On 13th December 2010, vision SHEER declares Godly Practices in form of 4 SDGs. This message was disseminated world over through NYG-2011. It reads as under: Feel God within while performing activities on 4 SDGs. Social Health: Integrate societal constituents under Education Commission to target Teenage Bone Chilling Crimes, Transform students the societal asset, Awaken inner Gandhi, Promote sense of discipline-moral, Mental, Physical, Reproductive (DNA), Academic, Professional Health; Environmental Health: Protect, Preserve Human Rights -the Pure Water, Air, Land; Scientific disposal of wastes, Clean, Green Surroundings; balanced supply of Forest Needs; Eco-friendly Tourism & Pilgrimage; Free the Forest, Commercial Poor man’s land from clutches of Mafias; Collective will of Visionary leaders to save life on blue Planet; Constitutional Health: Celebrating National Festivals like Diwali, Eid, Gurpurab, Christmas; Enjoy rights with duties; Reservations on economic grounds; better implementation of Laws; People’s aspirations within Constitution; Uphold National Prestige, Unity, Integrity and Democracy. Freedom from Enemies of Humanity: The terrorism, Militancy, Perpetrators of Cyclic Violence, Legal Illiteracy, Technological Backwardness, Administrative Bias, Corruption, Unemployment, Population Explosion, Poverty, Child Abuse, Crimes against Women, Adulteration, Malnutrition, Blind Rituals, Visionary Poor Politics of Divide, Deadly Diseases, Arms Race, Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Dangers of War. Merging SHEER’s visions from two NYG(s) 2011 (Godly Practices) & 2016 (God), a New Way of Life born is the ‘SHEERISM’ (NYG-2017) & is being disseminated constantly. Greta Thunberg’s ‘Blah-Blah’ speech during UN (2019 & 2021) Meets when echoed in my ear & I got 2015 UN 17 SDGs, to be accomplished by 2030. These UN Goals are replica of 2011 SHEER’s Vision and hence both are assigned the rank of Godly Practices in SHEERISM .Short titles of UN 17 SDGs in serial order are, -no poverty, -zero hunger, -good health & wellbeing, -quality education, -gender equality, -clean water & sanitation, -affordable & clean energy, -decent work & economic growth, -industry, innovation & infrastructure, -reduced inequalities, -sustainable cities & communities,-responsible consumption & production, -climate action, -life below water,-life on land, -peace, justice & strong institutions, and -partnerships for the goals. These UN 17 SDGs are our Fundamental Rights granted by the most secular Forum of the World. But the populations are kept ignorant, scared & do not question your rulers for your Rights. Further 3.18 Canal area in Ranjitpur Jammu is developed as Bagh-E-Mahi declaring it ‘Oxygen & Rain Water Harvesting Site’. Author further plans to develop DNA Temple and disseminate S&T education related to nature, the true worshipping of ‘God & Godly Practices.’ People too should establish green lungs on available lands & feel proud to be the Mahi(s)-the sons & daughters of planet. Good DNA & exact environments are our God & Godly Practices. The author having submitted this Education Toolkit before world forums, seeks comments of the readers.
(The writer is Former NSS PO, GGM Science College and President ‘SHEER – Global Voice, Jammu’)

Editorial editorial article