JAMMU: “Freedom in mind, pride in our hearts, memories in our soul. Let’s salute the nation on Navy Day”. Such words thundered the Assembly stage while Oriana Sharma from Grade 4th Maple conducted the Morning Assembly alongwith her classmates at JK Public School, Kunjwani.

More substance was added to the topic while Aamira Dhawan pitched in saying, “We celebrate Navy Day every year on 4th December. This special day reminds us of bravery and hard work of the Indian Navy. The Navy helps protect our country from threats coming through the seas and also helps during natural disasters. Navy day is celebrated to honour the Indian Navy’s big success during the 1971 war. In a mission called operation TRIDENT, our Navy defeated the enemy and showed great courage and skills”.
“The Navy also plays an important role in keeping our oceans safe, helping ships travel, and rescuing people during emergencies. It also works with other countries to make sure the seas are peaceful and safe for everyone. Let us take this day to thank our naval officers and sailors, who work day and night to keep us safe should be proud of their efforts and learn to respect and love our country just like they do”, added Jaijot Singh.
Pragunn Kour shared a poignant poem on the occasion, which called for a thunderous applause from the audience:
I am protector of my sea!
I am sailor you can see!
Tell my parents,
Don’t take tension!
I am sea guard of my nation!
Tell my wife,
My uniform is white,
Always wear with pride!
Tell my kids
I can sale,
I can fly.
I can dive,
With all my strive!
Tell my country,
I am ready for any crises,
Will save the people at any prices!
Tell my God,
Till my end of life,
I want to fight!
I am protector of my sea!
I am defender of my country!
Under the segment QUOTATIONS, Mehar Kour quoted Albert F Pratt, “The navy is much more than the job, much more than the service to the country, it is a way of life, it gets in your blood”. Devasaya Dhairavi quoted Henry Woodsworth, “The waves may rise, the wind may roar; but a sailor’s courage anchors the shore”.
Rakshit Mangotra quoted Admiral Nadkarni, “Dedication, discipline and duty define the Indian Navy”. Raghav Malpotra quoted Pt. JL Nehru, “To be secure on land, we must be supreme at sea”. Jaskirat Kour quoted Theodre Rosewelt, “A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guarantee of peace”.
Principal JKPS Kunjwani, Rajesh Rathore applauded the presenters of Grade 4th Maple for paying rich tribute to our valiant Naval forces and stated, “On this Navy Day, we extend our deepest gratitude to the dedicated men and women of our Naval forces. Their unsurpassed commitment, indomitable courage, and excellence in safeguarding our marine borders are truly commendable”.
“Their meritorious service not only ensures the security of our nation but also inspires us with their resilience and devotion to duty. We are proud and forever grateful for their sacrifices and relentless efforts to protect our waters and uphold peace. Thank you Indian Navy for being the guardians of our seas and the pride of our nation. Wishing you fair winds and following seas always”, he concluded.