JAMMU: JandK Body Building team left for Haryana to take part in the upcoming 1st Physique Sports Championship 2024 for senior Men and women, scheduled to be held at Huda Gymkhana club sec-29, Gurgaon, Haryana from Dec 21st to 22nd, 2024.

Rajesh Dutta, an office bearer of Body Building Association of J&K (BBAJK) congratulated the selected team and flagged off the team from here today. He also wished them to perform well in the National Championship and bring laurels to the union territory. Rajesh applauded Body Building Association of J&K for the prominence of Body Buiding sports in the UT J and K and bringing laurels for the country at the highest level of podium.
He appealed youth to join sports and educate the youth of the country to the nation Nasha Mukht.
Vikas Bakshi and Ankush were part of the team who left for upcoming 1st Physique Sports Championship.
Other office bearers of the Association including Vinay Sharma, Naresh Gupta and Sanjay Bali were present during the event.