Mitran” Naal” Baharan” The Nostalgic Masterpiece

Jasmeet Singh
It is imperative in the contemporary era that one must develop the belief pertaining to the amelioration of education among children because reinforcing the morals and ethics alongside the education is dire need of hour. From time to time, thinkers and philosophers have conceived theories to inculcate the morality and ethical values among children from the very beginning of their psychological development. As per John Locke, humans are born with a mind that is completely empty and all knowledge is acquired through experience, essentially starting as a blank slate upon which life’s experiences write information.
Balwinder Singh who hails from Jammu is one among few, who believes in the above-narrated postulation and in the garb of the said belief, he published a book titled “Mitran Naal Baharan” which is a collection of 31 poems alongwith illustrations describing the theme of each and every poem and maintaining the balance between literary excellence and easy narration for children. The book is published by Azad Book Depot, Amritsar and the illustrations describing the thematic aspects of each and every poem, are sketched by Dr. Sushil Kumar Bhola.
The prime motive of the author is to inculcate the moral and ethical values among children and for the same, the author connects with the child’s psychology and makes an impression on the blank slate.
The innocence within the minds of the little ones is explored in the book and moreover the author describes and narrates the things from the point of view of children, which makes it easier for children to grab the concept within.
The thematic aspect of the poems relates to humanistic values, psychological evolution among children, inter-personal relations and their importance, nature and academic concerns. A number of poems set an inspiration field for the children to thrive in their academic life and make an impression on the society. The cultural and ethical values are narrated in a detailed way. The linguistic approach of the author seems very easy as the target audience doesn’t belong to the literary highs. But despite the said fact, the main theme of the book “Mitran Naal Baharan” is nostalgia and that is why it is important to read it as an adult. Nostalgia is a kind of emotional impetus which connects us with the past. The author derives all his stimulus from his own nostalgia and same emanates within the poems. One can relive his childhood and experience the shades of nostalgia in a slow burn.
Coup d’oeil of some poems:
nikke kake phulan waang,
vehreyan nu mehkaounde,
ghar diyan ronakan nu,
eh ne wadounde
From poem – Nikke Kake

mere dada bade hi change,
khushiyan vich rehende range,
subah sawere sear karde
shaama nu kitabaan parde
From poem – Mere Dada
kal picnic te jawange,
khoob moj masti manawange,
bus vich beh ke jawange
hasange sab nu hasanwange
From Poem – Picnic te Jawange
TV mobile to rakho duri
karda han gal bacheyo zaroori
padayi val hi deo deyaan
maaro ge malan vich maidaan
From Poem – TV mobile to rakho duri
chadeya haadh da mahina
chove mukh to paseena
From Poem – Kashmir di saer
“Mitran Naal Baharan” is indeed a commendable work and for the literature seekers it is worth reading.

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