Omkar Dattatray
Indian republic is 75 years old and the nation is celebrating the 76th anniversary of its republic .During these 76 years of Indian republic ,the nation has excelled in many walks of its life and India has matured as a dynamic and vibrant republic and the nation has to throw light on its achievements attained during the ups and downs of the country and its constitutional history. India had adopted its constitution on 26th January 1950 and we have embraced the principles of democracy ,socialism ,secularism ,equity ,fraternity and social justice. Constitution is the life line of our republic. The Constitution of India’s preamble ,as amended up to July 2024,reads as under-We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic & to secure to all its citizens -Justice, social ,economic and political ,Liberty of thought ,expression ,belief ,faith and worship .Equality of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the Nation. The constitution was adopted ,enacted and given on 26th day of November ,1949. The Thus the people of India have resolved to constitute India as a democratic socialist &,secular ,republic and gave themselves the constitution as the guiding force for its governance and all the basic and fundamental principles enshrined in the preamble of the constitution are the guidelines and blueprint for the India’s destiny as a democratic and socialistic republic and the people of India should at all costs uphold the basic principles ,tenets and doctrines of the republic so that India continues its march on the glorious path charted by the founding fathers of its constitution and we as the proud citizens of the republic should maintain the pristine principles enshrined in the constitution so that our democratic republic will flourish and prosper and the political ,social and cultural destiny of the people of India is strengthened. The preamble to the constitution declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular ,and democratic republic. The objectives of the preamble are to secure justice, liberty. and equality for all citizens and promote fraternity among the citizens. The preamble to the constitution is a reflection of the core constitutional values that embody the constitution .The preamble of the constitution acts like the introduction that presents the intention of the framers ,the core values ,principles ,and the history behind the creation of the constitution. The preamble to the constitution was accepted by the constituent assembly on 22rd January 1947 and adopted by it on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950,which is celebrated as the Republic Day of India. It is pertinent to mention that the words ”socialist”, ”secular ”and ”integrity ” were later added to the preamble during the Indian emergency that is in 1976 by Indira Gandhi. Thus the government of India and its states as well as UT’s are making efforts to run on the path and as per the guidance and guidelines of the preamble of the constitution and are on the path of making India an egalitarian society. .The government is implementing the ambitious and sacred values and principles as enshrined in the constitution. The goals ,values and principles given in the preamble of the constitution are lofty and they should be made crafty to pursue them so that an egalitarian society is made possible and the centre government ,state governments ,UT’s, political parties ,NGO’s and last but not the least the people who are sovereign and are the masters of their destiny should cooperate with the rulers so that the objectives and values as well as principles contained in the preamble of the constitution are implemented and all the policies and programmes and schemes of the government are an exercise in fulfilling the values and doctrines enshrined in the constitution .The preamble of the constitution of India sets out the guiding purposes and principles and the centre government and state governments are following the path shown by the founding fathers of the constitution and thus making concerted and persistent efforts to implement the objectives as per the guidelines delineated in the constitution .The preamble of the constitution is a reflection of the core constitutional values that embody the constitution .It is known as the soul and essence of the constitution .The march of Indian republic has seen many ups and downs during its 76 year long history and our democracy and Indian republic has emerged stronger with each passing year and we are very proud of our republic. Indian republic is on the march of economic, social and political development and it is making strenuous efforts to implement the principles and values as well as the purposes as given in the constitution .We have attained many advancements in our political, social and economic life .But we have not been able to reduce and bridge the widening gap between the haves and the poor and so our country should take steps in this direction so that the dreams of the profounder of the constitution are realized .It is India’s biggest achievement that we have successfully conducted eighteen general elections and hundreds of state assembly elections more or less peacefully and it goes to the credit of the independent election commission of India and these elections were conducted freely and fairly raising the status and image of Indian republics democratic destiny in the international community. Our republic and democracy has become resilient ,stable, dynamic strong and robust day by day during all these 76 year history of our republic. The 76th Republic Day of India celebrates the country’s transition to a republic and its democratic values .It also marks India’s progress in various fields including economic development ,technology and social reforms. Republic day celebrates India’s democratic values and the people’s power to govern them. The republic day parade in New Delhi showcases India’s cultural richness and military prowess , reinforcing the idea of unity in diversity. Republic day serves as a reminder of India’s journey towards self-governance and its core values of justice ,equality and fraternity .India’s growth story and progress during all these 76 years of republic are enviable and make us feel proud .India’s Gross Domestic Product-GDP increased from 2,700 billion in 1947 to US dollar 3.53 trillion in 2021 ,making it the world’s sixth largest economy and today in 2025 ,it has the distinction of being the fifth largest economy in the world and its march to become third largest economy in near future is no less ordinary. India has made significant technological advancements and it has become a technological giant .We are exporting technologists and engineers to outside world. India has made significant social reforms .India has increased its global influence .During 10 years of Modi rule ,India’s status in the world got much impetus and boost and she is heard on international issues and matters and Modi has become a global leader as the popularity of India and Modi has increased thanks to the diplomatic virtues of Modi government .In the last seven -and-a-half decades ,India achieved remarkable development in agriculture ,heavy industry ,irrigation ,energy production ,nuclear power capability ,space technology ,biotechnology ,telecommunication ,ocean logy and science and research .Republic Day parade 2025 will showcase India’s cultural diversity and military might .The special focus will be on 75 years of enactment of the constitution and Jan Bhagidari. This year ,31 tableaux from various states ,UT’s and central government Ministries /departments will participate ,showcasing the theme ” Swarnim Bharat-Virasat aur Vikas”. In brief we the citizens of Indian should once again resolve to tread the path shown by the constitution and march to make Indian republic of the dreams of the founding architects of the constitution and this will be the befitting way to celebrate the 76th republic day .Long live Indian Republic & democracy .Tatha Astu.
(The author is a columnist, social, KP activist & Freelance Writer)