On Wednesday, Pakistan observed what it hails as “Kashmir Day” expressing its solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir in its self- belief that there are takers for the illusions it sells to the people on this side of the Line of Control. Among all other things , Pakistan resorts to such gimmicks to paper over all what is happening in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir ( POJK) where people are facing atrocities of worst kind which have no parallel in the record books of human rights violations.

The residents of PoJK have come into open against the military , political and economic terror unleashed on them by Pakistan .They have been protesting for basic needs and their food and water security has been blown away by Pakistan military . The resources of the land have been diverted to benefit mainland of Pakistan, particularly Punjab province, leaving the people in the occupied territory high and dry.
Contrasts and comparisons between Jammu and Kashmir and PoJK are so striking that this exercise in itself is futile.
In today’s Jammu and Kashmir , there is a hope and optimism for future as opportunities have opened aplenty for the residents . Jammu and Kashmir is a transformed landscape where peace has come back, though at a cost, as the Indian army and other wings of security forces had to fight Pakistan sponsored terrorism with their lives. Jammu and Kashmir is bubbling with new hopes in which it is walking lockstep with the rest of the country in journey toward excellence and one of the most developed economic in the world . India’s ascendency toward emerging superpower in the world has been recognized by the world . The latest evidence comes from the eagerness with which the United States is waiting to host the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sometime this month.
In the scheduled meetings between the US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Modi , not only the bilateral relations of the two countries would be discussed, but also the global affairs , the shape of the conflicts that have ripped apart the stability and economy of the world . This is particularly in reference to the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestine conflicts . Though a ceasefire has been affected in the Middle-East but the instability and possibility of re-eruption of the conflict continued to stare. PM Modi is the only leader in the world at the moment who has good relations and credibility with all sides, and the world is looking up to him for the resolution of all these problems. That’s why Trump has invited him to the White House for discussions on big subjects .
Pakistan is frustrated. It is suffering from global isolation. Pakistan is seen as a country that is headed toward its disintegration with so many internal conflicts dotting its geography and politics. There is a government that is working under the thumb of military and has no voice of its own. There is yet another conflict raging in its backyard where terrorism that it had grown is consuming it. Faced with all these crises, Pakistan thinks that it can redeem itself by raking up the so-called Kashmir issue, which in fact is non-existent as the people in the Valley have aligned themselves completely with the idea of India and they are active participants in this
Pakistan’s worries have multiplied as PoJK is posing serious problems . There is civil unrest and signals of civil disobedience are beaming all over. The people there have taken to streets to protest against highly atrocious treatment meted out to them by Pakistan’s government and military establishment. The POJK people are now worried about the grabbing of their natural resources, water and forests by mainland Pakistan. Their protests were met with brute use of force. Pakistani army soldiers showered bullets on protestors .
And when Pakistan observes the so-called Kashmir Day, it was trying to pull wool over eyes of the world by diverting its attention from the horrifying atrocities it is committing on the people of PoJK. But the world has seen trough this game of Pakistan. It has been exposed. PoJK is the real problem, and it would be better if India steps up its efforts to reclaim the territory and people living across the LoC as legally and constitutionally they belong to this country.