Empowerment of Women

Isher Singh Jasrotia

India is the largest democracy in the world, second to America wherein the basic features are enshrined in the preamble of our constitution – social justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, reflected in our constitution. These features are defeated when we are witnessing increasing crimes against women who are victimized to various atrocities, physical as well as mental torture, economic and sexual harassment, dowry death, infanticide.
If these multifarious crimes and victimization of women commensuration with innumerable other impediments, are not averted, these will continue to endanger and damage the society to a larger extent.
We cannot forget the atrocity meted out with the girl on 16th of December 2012 regarding the rape with that 23 years girl.
When we are talk of India which is the largest democracy, developing its economy at a very rapid rate, reality of the philosophy of our Constitution is otherwise. Peace and tranquility cannot take place due to the different religions, castes, cultures, traditions, regional disparities, until there is equal right of the women.
There have been constant controversial issues and challenging considerations before the society, regarding the Status of Women, growing terrorist activities and allied coinciding problems.
Social Justice – as a fundamental might in the comprehensive form in fact, is an important factor to determine and removal of social imbalance by law harmonizing the interest of different sections of society, way to built up a “Welfare State”. Reality is that women are mothers, sisters, daughters and their counterpart in-laws-all are human being forming part of our society. From the days our society came into existence, the women continued to be treated not-equal due to numerous constraints, cultural traditions, ethos, and inhuman treatments and vice versa.
On the other hand in the recent years, the women have played tremendous role to make the society on the path of civilized society, may it be education, industry, banking, Government/private undertaking or defence forces.
In the olden days, when there was little awareness of the society, the liberty of the women was confined to the four-wall of the houses and they were even sacrificed when the tradition of Sati was in prevalent. With the change of time, our social reformers like Keshab Chandra Sen, Dhondo Keshav Karve, Ramakrishna Paramahan, Saralabala Devi Chowdhari, Swami Veveknanada, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi and similar other reformers who had the visionary vision of plight of women, enlightened and awakened our society.
Similarly since our constitution was formed and the education was considered as the main factor for transformation of the society, women got the opportunities to excel their potentials in every field.
Women are now taking active part in every field – may it be political, defense, security forces, education, industry or any other fields. To cite few examples, late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, our Ist Woman Prime Minister – a courageous, brave, bold lady, who had the passion for peace, Krishna Mehta – our Ist Woman M.P from Jammu & Kashmir state who had the vision of social transformation, Kiran Desai, a noted writer and youngest woman awarded Britain Highest literary award, Kiran Bedi, the IPS, Pratibha Patel, our Ist Women President and similar others who had been chief Ministers or Member of Parliament.
If the aims and objectives of social justice are to be achieved through liberty, equality and fraternity, essential reflected in the preamble of our constitution, crimes against the women have to be stopped by enforcing stringent measures and law. To establish a socialistic society (Welfare society) and civilized society, there is to be enjoyment of liberty, respect and dignity to all including women – ideal of living a peaceful life through freedom of speech, thoughts, expression, fellow feeling, brotherlihood which can lead towards a modern civilization and socio-economic development. It is firm conviction and admitted fact that the education is an important and paramount factors which can save our society from extinction, degradations deterioration.
Under Article 15, Prohibition of determination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, it has been held that s497 of IPC which say that in an offence of adultery though the man is punishable for adultery, the woman is not punishable as an abettor, is not unconstitutional, because such immunity is necessary for the protection of woman in view of their existing position in Indian society.
There have been debates and discussions for the cause of women, growing harassment and domestic violence. From time to time, government is proposing formulation of commissions and setting up of organizations for the redressed of women’s victimization but no stringent steps have so far been taken for enforcement of such law which could prohibit unwanted happening in future.
In the context of sustained and substantial technological development, political awakening and consistency in the global environment, it is imperative that our society is brought up to the fashion of modern civilization by educating our new generation & enforcing stringent law.
Unless concrete and vigorous legislation as also demanded by the public in large, is not formulated and enforced, this trend of women victimization, crimes and harassment will continue to exist.
Some of the result oriented measures in view of essentials of principles of our society and culture which can be taken, are by educating the masses by launching various cultural, social-welfare programs in the educational institutions and colleges making the public and youngsters aware of the problems of the women, enforcement of vigorous and stringent legislation.

Editorial editorial article