Promila Arora
Bhupinder Singh Raina
Publishers Azad Book Depot
Price Rs.295/-
Before receiving this novel Vidyarathinama, written by Bhupinder Singh Raina, I got published a book on General knowledge by Mr Kapur Chand Garg , President of Arya Samaj Kapurthala and I felt it will help the students to know about the facts of universe , history and culture and literature. After a few days I received the novel written by Bhupinder Singh Raina ji named Vidyarathinama. .Being in Education Department retiring as Principal it was natural to be curious about the theme of the book. After going through the novel ,I felt merely facts can’t improve the knowledge and personality of a child. This encourages cramming only. The best way to impart education to students is through a story as Mr Raina has done. How’s that? A natural question.
Yes my review of the book is an answer to this.
This novel by Bhupinder Raina is not only a story but it is a narrative containing knowledge of every aspect of life to be acquired and adopted by every student. The writer has very skillfully knitted the story around three main characters Asheesh, Rishant and Asheesh’s grandfather .
Asheesh’s grandfather is the central character of the novel who is constantly in touch with Ps and Q’s of his grandson and guides him at every step for harmonious personality development .Rishant the friend of Asheesh is careless and lacks responsibility .Company of Asheesh changes his personality and he becomes as good as Asheesh is .
The advice and discussions between Asheesh and his grandfather are full of knowledge not only about moral values and behaviour of students but beyond that also .They discuss about games, scriptures, seasons, festivals, crops, comparison between rural and urban life etc .
As we know the facts covered through a story has more impact on the mind of children , therefore this novel leaves its mark on the reader.I found it is the better way to impart our message to the present generation in the shape of a novel .
I heartily appreciate this attempt of mature creative writer S.Bhupinder Singh Raina and feel this novel should be approved for the libraries in schools all over India .
My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Mr Raina for this valuable book.
(The author is (Retd Principal) Trilingual writer, Translator and Social Worker , Kapurthala Punjab)
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