‘No Error of ‘UT/state’ in Class X Textbook of JKBOSE’


JAMMU: It has come to the notice of JKBOSE authorities that a message is being circulated in the social media creating a panic among the public especially student community regarding alleged printing of “UT” in place of “state” in the textbook of Economics & Disaster Management for class 10th.
The stakeholders are informed that the copies of this textbook which are being sold for market supply contain no such error; all the members of civil society may consult the online copy uploaded at JKBOSE websitehttps://jkbose.nic.in/pdf/class10thdisastermanagement.pdf
Further, JKBOSE prepares/publishes more than 145 titles in a session which is a laborious task wherein many experts from schools, colleges, university and connoisseurs in the relevant fields are involved at various levels in the process of development, review and proof-reading. During this rigorous process of development of a textbook, the possibilities of errors are minimised.
Nevertheless, if any error is located by the students, teachers or parents in any textbook published by the JKBOSE, it should be verified from or brought to the notice of the BOSE authorities for its rectification but not in the social media as this act may malign the image of this grand organisation which has always been a forerunner in addressing the student issues even in the toughest times in the past.
Still, it is a fact that the stakeholders’ feedback is integral for continual improvement of services. We earnestly advise the students, educators, and parents to obtain the latest version of the textbook from registered booksellers to ensure that they have accurate and relevant content in hand. We request one and all to refrain from sharing or discussing any issue negatively on social media platforms as this may perturb the student community during the ongoing examination. JKBOSE reiterates its commitment to work for furtherance of quality initiatives in all spheres of its operation and shall always endeavor to maintain a prominent place in the education sector of the country.

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