Be a Vegan Votary

Kamal Padha
Your death or death of your close relatives, is always a horrible experience to us. But man enjoys death of animals and birds – But why this double standards?
Death of one living creature is taste for us. How strange is the rule?
You see slaughter houses and non veg restaurants everywhere. Death has become a business. It is only because, it is not my death – it is someone else’s Death. Death of those who can’t speak, can’t express their pain and sufferings, and can’t even defend themselves. We humans have started exploiting and taking advantage of this weakness of animals and birds.
Someone said, “if slaughter houses had glass walls, whole world would be vegetarian”. On a dining table eating non veg a father is giving sermon to his son – Don’t ever hurt anyone’s feelings. But can’t see the bone in his hand which was a live creature sometime back. It was a soul – who had mother, it was also someone’s child, who was cut into pieces without any fault of his – He cried, due to pain and suffering. He must have cursed also.
How can you believe that God only protects humans, Are animals not part of His creation?
I don’t eat non veg in Tuesday or during Navratres! What does it mean? It means your mind is already guilty of wrong doing, but you ignore the soft signals.
God has given us human form, so that we attain Moksha by doing good deeds – but we forget basic purpose of life. We have got this human form after going through 84 Lac species cycle and after very very long time. This is the Golden Opportunity to do good karmas and attain Moksha. But very few realize this and often repent at the time of death. It is too late realization. Now is the time.
Untimely deaths, accidents, terminal illness, natural calamities, they all indicate that Creator is not happy with us humans. To satisfy our taste buds we take life/kill innocent animals/birds. We have to pay the price for our wrong doing. As you sow, so shall you reap is the universal law of nature.
Vegetarianism, Meditation, Detachment and Worship is the only religion of humans. Universal brotherhood, we all are one family.
Live and Let Live is the only principle of life.
Living life on this principle, the humans can live longer, healthier and peacefully coexist.
a) Fruits and vegetables are colourful and fragrant, while meat looks dirty and stinky.
b) If you go to fruit market, the mind blossoms with fragrance, but when you go to a slaughter house – it will get spoiled.
c) Plucking and cutting fruits/vegetable you don’t see pain, blood, crying and screaming.
d) All carnivorous animals drink water by licking it, and all herbivores gulp water – Man also gulps water which means we are designed to be veg. Realize that nature has made your senses in such a way try to understand what it is pointing at.

The post Be a Vegan Votary appeared first on Daily Excelsior.
