Prof M K Bhat
Ever since Modi came to power in 2014 India first’ has become a buzz word for any major national or international decision and it is no exaggeration that in last ten years it has led to the solution of many pending and typical issues ,mention can be made of article 370, 35 A, Abolition of triple talak, CAA,India’s foreign policy during Russia Ukarine war, growing clout of India internationally etc and a sincere attempt is going on in many other issues too. This dictum was adopted by Trump in his second term election campaign in the form of ‘America first’ and after getting into white house is trying hard to apply his election manifesto. The two terms appear similar but carry different interpretations while ‘India first’ is embedded in the philosophy of Vasdev Kutumbkam-the world is one family but the latter is based on the principle of self- interest at the cost of others. The former wants to seek India’s interests without harming others while as the latter does not care for others.The former stresses on synergy to achieve more while the latter wants American hegemony. The former is based on sharing and caring so appeals everyone (India aided Ukarine on humanitarian grounds despite enjoying good relations with Russia)while as the latter not only pinches others but can also go against the interests of America by providing an open playfield for China to capture the growing resentment.There is no gainsaying in the fact that the leadership of every country is turning nationalist these days,so the adoption of ‘America first’ by Trump administration is justifiable but its impact on other countries is a growing cause of concern for the international community.The difference in these two terms gets well eulogised by their aid and other programs.
India’s aid to Bangladesh has not changed despite the anti- India agenda adopted in Bangladesh post departure of its former prime minister Shiekh Hasina from Bangladesh.India has retained its financial aid to Bangladesh at Rs 120 crore for 2025-26 budget despite diplomatic tension between the two countries.India’s financial support to Maldives has risen from RS 400 crore to Rs 600 crore despitethepro-China stance of its president Mohd Muizzu.In 2024 India had to withdraw its military person from Maldives under tough diplomatic relations.India extended financial assistance of Rs 100 crore to Afghanistan in budget 2025-26.Indias engagement with Afghanistan is primarily restricted to humanitarian and economic support due to certain ongoing concerns.India has not as yet formally recognised the Taliban government but still takes care of human values.
India has increased its financial assistance to Myanmar from Rs 250 crore in 2024-25 to Rs 350 crore for 2025-26 despite facing cross border and infiltration from that country.In order to make economic recovery of Sri Lanka possible, the budget has sanctioned financial assistance of Rs 300 crore to it.Aid to Nepal has remained unchanged in budget 2025-26 at Rs 700 crore.The financial assistance to support African nations has increasedto Rs 225 crore from Rs 200 crore in the previous budget.The financial assistance to Latin American countries has doubled from the last financial year.The budget2025-26 has escalated it to Rs 60 crore from last year’s Rs.30 crore.These talks of India sharing its economic growth with other countries especially with neighbours.India distributed vaccine during Covid 19 without taking economic interests into consideration. It worked for the inclusion of Global South in G20 and has become their spokesperson in international forums.
Contrary to this Trump administration has aligned its foreign aid to ‘America First’ strategy.It thrust the international development community into chaos after taking office in January, when it ordered a 90-day pause on all foreign aid to conduct a sweeping assessment to ensure that all the projects funded with U.S. taxpayer money were aligned with his ‘America First’ policy. According to U.S. State Department USAID evaluated 6,200 multi-year awards and had decided to eliminate nearly 5,800 of them worth $54 billion in value, a 92% reduction. The administration also cut nearly 30% of the State Department foreign aid-related grants totalling $4.4 billion. This will have a devastating effect on economically poor countries and a few Projects in India too will come under its duress.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres held that severe cuts in U.S. foreign assistance, was devastating especiallyfor the world’s vulnerable people. He held that “Going through with these cuts will make the world less healthy, less safe and less prosperous…” The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will be forced to stop many of its counter-narcotics programs, including one fighting the fentanyl crisis, and dramatically reduce activities against human trafficking, he said.
Filippo Grandi, the head of the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, responsible for providing life-saving assistance to the 122 million people forcibly displaced from their homes across 136 countries, sent out an overnight email to employees ordering an immediate clampdown on expenditure, including a 90-day delay in ordering new supplies except for emergencies, a hiring and contract freeze, and a halt to all international air travel, as the agency tries to adapt to the US funding freeze.The US provided £2bn ($2.49bn) in funding to the UNHCR, according to the latest figures for 2024 – a fifth of the agency’s total budget.
The United Nations’ World Food Program is closing its southern Africa office in the wake of the Trump administration’s aid cuts.The WFP received $4.4 billion in assistance from the United States last year, around half its total annual budget and more than four times the amount given by the second biggest donor, Germany. The move comes after southern Africa was hit by its worst drought in decades last year, destroying crops and putting 27 million people in danger of hunger, according to the WFP. The WFP made a call for $147 million in donations to help those in need even before President Donald Trump started cutting U.S. foreign aid
The U.N.’s International Organization for Migration reportedly has cut 3,000 jobs linked to resettlement in the United States, and family planning agency UNFPA has estimated that a number of its operations will be affected.
India has done 13 free trade agreements in last five years while as Trump has started Tariff war with other countries.It has suggested to have retaliatory tariff policy despite enjoying maximum from the world trade.This tariff war will crumble the world trade to a lower level.It can provide a good chance to China to expand its wings in different countries of the world and may also unite European countries.
Lastly, it may not be out of context to point out that India never tries to annexe any country howsoever small or weak it may be, rather it remains Indias endeavour to strengthen the country to make it to stand on its own legs.India respects the sovereignty of every country contrary to this Trump administration wants to annexe Canada as its 54th state.Itwants to make Gaza Riveria. This will bereft Palestinians of their homeland for ever.
The deporting of illegal migrants from America in dastardly manner is yet another example of America’s bad attitude towards humanity. India also deported illegal migrants but not in any inhuman way.
If America wants to use ‘America first’ strategy as a tool to establish its hegemony over other countries it is likely to fall like’Alice in the Wonderland’.
(The author is Professor (M.A.I.T) Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi)
The post India first V/S America first appeared first on Daily Excelsior.