Dr Suruchi performs Keratoplasty for Ist time in SVMMC hospital

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 13: Dr Suruchi Gupta, ex P G I Chandigarh, has performed first ever Corneal Transplant (Keratoplasty) in the private sector at Shri Vivekanand Medical Mission Charitable Hospital, Ambphalla, Jammu & has dedicated it the mission “Eyesight For All.” She performed two such surgeries today & is hopeful of continuing this procedure.
“This is an apt gift to the state by a daughter of the soil in the week following International Women’s Day. Though, it took about 11 years to obtain clearances, but perseverance to bring eye care within the reach of a common man has now become a reality. This procedure has given a ray of hope to all those, who had to move out of state to seek such specialised surgery. This is a tribute to the indomitable spirit & zeal of daughters to use their specialised skills for the benefit of their own state instead of moving to metros lured by greener pastures,” Dr Gupta said.

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