Three-fourth of the Earth is surrounded by water. But despite there being so much water, only a very small percentage of it is usable. Of this three-fourth water, 97 percent is salty water which is not suitable for human use. Only 3 percent water is usable. Out of this 3 percent, 2 percent is in the form of ice and glaciers on earth and only the remaining 1 percent is drinkable.
Gradually it is also decreasing by 3 percent. The impact of this decreasing water level is also visible on the environment. Nature is not doing all this on its own. Man is completely responsible for this. Man is destroying and contaminating this precious wealth for his own partial benefit. If this continues then man will yearn for water even for his important works.
We know that there are many countries in the world which are suffering from drought, that is, where there is no rainfall or where there is a lack of rivers and such places yearn for water. People have to go many miles away to arrange water for themselves. In many places this priceless gift of nature is purchased and used. Many people die due to its deficiency or due to serious diseases caused by contaminated water. Lack of water in rivers, decrease in underground water level, decreasing number of trees and plants, decrease in agricultural production, etc., these are some of the adverse effects that if you think about the future, you would shudder. Despite knowing all this, we use water carelessly without thinking that if we are not careful then the same situation will happen to us. The government will have to make such a policy that the water coming out of industrial units does not get into the rivers and drains. There should be some good arrangement for its disposal so that dangerous chemicals do not mix with potable water and contaminate it. Concrete steps should also be taken against the pressure of increasing population on earth. Small units for collecting and using rain water should be promoted so that rain water does not go waste.

Editorial editorial article 1