Rotary Club Rajouri organizes 5th installation ceremony

*Dr Vaid new president, Malik secy

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, July 28: Rotary Club of Rajouri Grand held its 5th installation ceremony, marking a significant event today, adhering to established Club protocols.
The chief guest on the occasion was Rohit Oberoi, District governor while DN Sharma and HS Yogi were the special guests.
The ceremony saw the outgoing president Rajesh Mehta and secretary Dr Sachin Vaid handing over the reins of the Club to the incoming president, Dr Sachin Vaid and secretary Saboor Malik.
The function commenced with a welcome address by Chartered president, Lokesh Bakshi, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and the lighting of the traditional lamp. Outgoing president Rajesh Mehta presented a review of the projects undertaken during the year 2023-24. This was followed by an award function, recognizing notable members for their significant contributions to society.
The installation of the new president Dr Sachin Vaid and the Club Secretary, Saboor Malik was conducted by District Governor, Rohit Oberoi following the traditional oath-taking and collar exchange ceremony. Oberoi also presented the new officials with Rotary lapel pins. Additionally, 7 new members were also inducted, taking their oaths and receiving Rotary literature and lapel pins.
In the presidential address, District Governor Oberoi emphasized the Club’s goals for the coming year, aiming to create magic through collective efforts and highlighting the importance of Rotary fellowship to undertake need-based projects for societal service. He praised the Club’s efforts, particularly in conducting free surgeries and other community service projects, and expressed hope that the Club will continue to serve the society with great zeal and enthusiasm in future also.

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