Start spirituality with ‘Prayers & Gratitude’

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
Offering prayers to the Almighty and expressing gratitude to Him showers unique blessings over us to keeps us on the track leading to the ultimate destination of spirituality-where one rests in the lap of divine father.
Let me simplify the meaning of above words so that even a common person may get the point behind these.
Whenever we encounter a problem or trouble at any stage or phase of our life, be it deadly to whatsoever extent or be it a simple one, there always lies a way of coming out from it successfully, but, only rare people can do that while the trouble inflicts damages on others, sometimes very heavy.
Coming out of the problems or troubles in life is so simple and can be easily done by offering prayers to the Almighty to invoke his blessings for coming out of the trouble.
The rare persons, who display the presence of mind and don’t waste time in other things but simply offer prayer to the Almighty whenever some trouble encounters them in life, are those who staunchly believe that only God Almighty is in possession of the power to solve every problem on the earth and elsewhere also.
Yes, one should also use other popular means simultaneously, like if one falls deadly sick one should definitely visit a hospital or a doctor, but, the offering of prayers side by side will help the medicines or the medical treatment to function positively and quickly on the sick person.
Next is expressing gratitude or thankfulness to the supreme creator of this universe and everything in it, makes one confident and keeps all the troubles away.
In Hindu mythology, a staunch devotee of Vishnu named Prahlad underwent unexpected tortures in his life from the king Hiranakshap who was his father also but nothing happened to him and God (the divine father) himself came to his rescue everytime when Prahlad was put to tortures.
Whenever we wake up early in the morning, we should express thankfulness to the Almighty God for the new day we are blessed with and then we must pray to Him for keeping us on the way of righteousness to work throughout the new day in such a way that all our works remain morally correct and comply with the ethics and norms of spirituality.
Similarly, at the end of the day, moments before going to sleep, one should again thank God for the successful day and honestly apologise for any wrongs committed deliberately or out of ignorance.
There are many in this world who sleep at night but never wake up and their family members find them dead on bed. So, if we wake up alive, we should remain thankful to God.
These two simple things-offering prayers at the start of the day and at the culmination of the day apart from praying Almighty for help in case of some trouble in life and expressing gratitude to Him on every success and crediting all the successes to the blessings of Almighty God, will easily keep our life successful and this takes our journey of spirituality forward to the next higher destination.
Despite offering prayers always and remaining thankful to God, may sometimes increases problems in life but that has some other reasons and this in no way means that we should stop doing these good things-offering gratitude and praying God, as the same gives us courage to face the problems or troubles that we encounter in life.
Rather expressing gratitude to God, a poor man who had no pair of shoes, cursed the Almighty. However, noticing another man not even having legs to stand upon, he promptly apologised to the Almighty and thanked Him for the wonderful and sound physical body the God has blessed him with.
A saintly figure these days has gone very popular especially in many parts of north India though he is no more present in this world physically. He only preached expressing gratitude which in his words is ‘Shukrana’ and his followers mostly appear thankful as preached by their mentor.
In short, I will say that for all the successes in our life we should credit Almighty God only as all the successes are blessed by Him though all the persons make hard efforts for a task which is accomplished successfully only by a few.
While the term ‘spirituality’ has diverse meanings which may differ from one believer and preacher to the other but in common parlance it refers to the way of leading life in a right way in which other creatures never feels any sort of fear due to our presence and vice versa.
Spirituality or leading a spiritual life is very much possible and God Almighty has made us for that and it very easy to do it. For that we just have to consider the entire living world as a single family in which everyone is in some way related to other though there always exist certain diversities among the diverse world of creatures crafted by the Almighty God.
The first and simple step towards spirituality is expressing gratitude and offering prayers to the God Almighty.

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