SOS Intl accesses plight of PoK DPs on International Refugee Day

JAMMU: On International Refugee Day, a meeting of SOS International-An Organization for PoK DPs, held under the leadership of its chairman Rajiv Chuni to ascertain the rights of refugees and to access the prevailing situations of Displaced Persons of Pak occupied Kashmir, besides to take a overall review of the plights and what could be done for them as per the International refugee law, which has not been done till date.
While addressing the meeting, Chuni said that it is very ironically and unfortunate on the part of government that after seven decades of being displaced from their native places the PoK DPs are still languishing in unhygienic 39 camps.
He said that other refugees of the World have been settled and supported by the UN Refugee commission but in case of PoK DPs who were uprooted from their native places seven decades earlier are still residing in camps, which is the biggest tragedy of the universe and till today there is no planning from the government side to settle them.
“If India had been the signatory of UN Refugee Commission then they have directly helped and rehabilitated us,” Chuni added.
Whereas, Rajiv Chuni said that in case of PoK DPs they cannot even cross the LoC the question of contesting the elections in PoK does not arise. “Not to talk of the contesting election in PoK but no any member of PoK DPs can cross the LoC even to see his/her own house”, he added.
He said that maximum PoK DPs have opted for drivers, cleaners, laborers and service boys in Dhabas. He added that the PoK DPs must be provided some sops till the final settlement made by the government.
Others who attended the meeting included Prof. N. N. Sharma, VK Datta, Parmod Ghai, Ved Raj Bali and Amarjeet Singh.

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